Chapter five

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Sophie stood at her door stunned into silence.
What just happened?
A million thoughts were flying through her head.

Mr. Forkle had blindfolded Sophie before they left the hideout so she wouldn't know where it was.
He had took of the blindfold when they reached her house.

Sophie had no idea what to think.

She was a super human. She had no idea why she believed it, but she did.
She felt that she could trust the Black Swan.
It was weird, but she somehow felt like a small void in her life was full just from finding out new information about her parents.

Sophie also remembered that she completely forgot to ask Dex how he got involved with the Black Swan, and Biana, Tam, Linh, Marella, Keefe, and Fitz.


Sophie's heart fluttered just from thinking about him.

She opened her front door and stepped inside.
She looked around for Grady and Edaline, once she knew they weren't downstairs she shut the door and bolted upstairs to her room.

She wasn't sure how she was going to keep this from them. She didn't like it. They would probably get really angry when they did find out.

Sophie flopped down on her bed, starfish style.
All she could think about was what Mr. Forkle said.

So when you were born, your parents watched for any strange behaviour or actions.
So as you grew up and showed great athletic ability, we assumed that the experiments that we did on your parents went into you.
The Neverseen somehow found out about this and proceeded to try and take you.


It's official.

Sophie was a freak.


Good thing no one could know about this.

Especially the police. She would probably get transported to Area 51 so people could cut her open and do experiments on her.

Sophie shuddered just thinking about it.

She looked at her phone.


It wasn't as late as she thought, but late enough for her parents to have a crazy anxiety spiral.
Or for Grady to think she went on a date.

The man's overprotective.

Though it made sense.

Grady and Edalines biological daughter was killed in a fire by her crazy fiancé who was a wanted arsonist in Australia.

Sophie remembered how her adoptive parents were when she first moved in.

They were always sad, never smiled a real smile. Edaline had dark circles under her eyes that looked like bruises and Grady didn't talk much.

She was happy they came out of that stage, though she also knows what it's like to grieve over a loved one, three loved ones actually.

Maybe that's why they're together. So they could help each other to be happy again.

Sophie was sure happy when Grady and Edaline adopted her.
She had spent five months in the orphanage.
It was horrible.

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