Gintama Characters React To Valentine's Day at Gintama High

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Everyone: Welcome to Gintama Characters React!

Shinpachi: Wow, we really made it to the end of this story. Isn't that incredible?

Kagura: Tch, the finale was already two weeks ago. Anyway, it took the author long enough to finish the story and this reaction chapter. If the first version of this story wasn't so terrible, she wouldn't have needed to spend so much time rewriting the whole thing, and if she was reliable, this special chapter would have come out sooner.

Shinpachi: Now, now, Kagura-chan, I'm sure she has other things to do than write this special. About the story itself, the author wrote the first version a long time ago, and now that she's grown as a writer, she wanted to make this story better for the readers. Isn't it a good thing she revamped the story instead of lazily rehashing the old story?

Kagura: The new story's not even that great either if you ask me.

Shinpachi: *sighs*

Gintoki: Forget about the new story. All the readers here have just read it. Now let's get to the exciting part and make fun of the original version!

Kagura: Yeah!

Gintoki: Alright, we'll call this next segment "Why is Okita a Pedo?"!

Sougo: Wait a second, Danna. What did you just say?

Gintoki: You heard me right. "Why is Okita a Pedo?" Unfortunately, the Okita of the original Valentine's Day story was not someone you could trust your kids around. Not that you should trust the canon Okita with your kids, but the original Valentine's story Okita was really no bueno. Let's see here. *changes into suit and tie* *pushes up glasses* Your honor, let me read you some of Okita's lines from the original story.


"Tch, fine. I won't be wearing these [clothes] for long anyway hehe," Sougo said, licking his lips.

"Don't worry, I'll take real good care of her," he replied, inching his hand down her dress.

Sougo whispered in her ear, "Trust me, it'll be a lot hotter when it's just you and me."

... and last but not least:

"Girl, you thicker than a bowl of oatmeal."


Sougo: The last one is just a popular American meme! I never said that!

Gintoki: So you said and did those other things?

Sougo: What—NO! That Sougo is not even remotely close to the actual character. I don't recognize whatever that thing is as me. Also, I'd more likely comment, "Girl, you flatter than Madao's piece of cardboard."

Kagura: You wanna die, bastard?!

HIjikata: *shakes his head* Oi, Sougo, that sounds like a repeat offender to me. I guess I'll have to lock you up in one of the cells.

Sougo: Hijikata-san, your heartbeat on the monitor will be flatter than Kagura if you don't shut up.

*Hijikata and Kagura both attack Sougo*

Gintoki: Oi, oi, calm down you guys. We just have to make Okita's lines family-friendly, and it'll be okay, right?

Sougo: What do you mean, Danna?

Gintoki: Like this:


"Tch, fine. I won't be wearing this for long anyway," Sougo grumbled, adjusting the fursuit head.

Valentine's Day at Gintama High SchoolWhere stories live. Discover now