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<Gehenna, Satan's Castle>
Lucifer POV

It's been 2 weeks since we 'visited' the Vatican cause of our youngest half-brother being tricked by the humans.

We'd regretfully arrived too late. Though he is not dead, he's fallen prey to something much more sinister. He's infected with red flames--those same flames father had defeated and vanquished eons ago before exorcists even existed.

He's their puppet now and has father's blue fire. This couldn't be any worse.

Actually it is. Father has been feeling depressed like he lost Yuri all over again. Now he -Rin- must be killed. Before he becomes a monster like the previous demon King *brr* or infects other demons and/ or humans.
Even they could become a serious threat if they were under the corrupt flames' influence.
They lose all sense of thought, commit senseless murder and carnage, burning flesh, etc., etc.

They'd be the normal exorcist ranks times 10 in fatality. Additionally, holy water is ineffective against them.

Adding to father's state we have a council meeting in t-10 minutes. Topic of discussion: Rin.

Yeah, it ain't gonna end pretty.
Why does nothing seem to end nice for us demons? Is there an unspoken universal law or something?

'Cancel the meeting, I've found something to show you!'


What in Satan's -'Sorry' 'It's fine'- name is he up to now of all times?

'I'm not joking, come or I'll send my hounds.'
I'd rather not encounter those again. Grotesk Creatures.
They can smell you out and their fangs melt everything. Using brute strength will only make them stronger, meaning they can Overpower most muscle reliant demons as of they are made of rubber. Though, they do look like dogs. Except where there's no skin there's goo. The older they are the more there is and the harder they are to get rid of, except for father. He can get rid of anything he wants to and then some.

"Coming!" I heard from all of my younger brothers' rooms followed by bangs. Sometimes I wonder what their doors have ever done to them to deserve such treatment.

Nonetheless I also replied, walked out of my room and to Father's meeting hall.

It's a long table with a glass wall facing all of Gehenna on one side with snacks and pictures on the other. It's quite comfortable and the light of the 2 moons shines through, which also makes it easy to fall asleep.

~3.5min later~
"So, what do you have to show us, that needs our immediate attention? Cause I don't see [I've found Rin] written all over your face yet."
Samael shot out the moment he got seated.

Astaroth's face turned mischievous making me question what he stole from some lost soul. Maybe candy from Amaimon and now he's waiting for an earthquake? Or spoiled Samael's stash of cup ramen ? Egin would appreciate it for healthy food.

"This," he held up a book "is our lead to figuring out where he might be-"
"So why are we sitting around, let's go after him!" Iblis interrupted him.

"Where have you found that book?" Astaroth turned to me.

"This is Rin's diary, which I scavenged from his dorm. Exorcists had put up wards around it but I got my vessel to just go in and snatch things of value. According to him the entries didn't sound healthy for a young demon orhuman. Even less at the end to the point where it's apparently obvious."

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