Them Again

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"Wow... It really hasn't changed at all." I thought aloud.

"Hmm? Onii-san, you've been here before?" asked an Earth-kid.

"Yeah, I lived here for a while..."

"Oh~? Is that right? And where would you have stayed?" asked Justin looking like he just heard a joke. And a very funny one at that.

"I can show you if you want, I know some nice places... There's only 1 problem."

The kids just sat down on the roof while taking the sights in, mostly the humans that dress like carbon copies, the tall buildings and blue sky with a VERY bright yellow sun ☀ which they had to squint at. The blue sun in Gehenna is bright, no doubt about that, but it wouldn't damage the eyes since demons have very sensitive eyes.
I count it as a plus in the comfort zone.

"Do~ tell. I've been here before lot's of times, I can get us anywhere!" he said with a smug grin while showing me his teeth.
A challenge for demons, especially outside their family. If my family saw that this guy would be at least 60ft under...

I decided to act like Mephisto. (Brr, what a thought!)
"You see: it's in an Exorcist District, near True Cross Academy. I was living there in an old dormitory. It wasn't often visited and only mildly 'infested' so exorcists came only a few times. Mostly exwires. It was fun messing with them, they didn't think I was a demon when they ran into me quite a couple of times. It was true too cause I'm a Nephilim."

By now the entire group was staring at me.

"Well, that's gotta be a lie." said one kid, even though they seemed interested in it.

"-and a very bad one at that." added another in agreement.

"... You're either suicidal or an idiot if you really did that. A lier or both of the above categories. But yes, I could get us there.

Though the trip wasn't layed out to go into enemy territory.. Hmmm~ what say you, little demons?" asked Justin with a dastardly smirk on his face giving me goosebumps.


I sweatdropped. That settles that.
God, demons are so... Idk, risky?

"OK, then. I will get us to T. C. Academy and you will then show us 'your' dorm, deal?" he asked.

"No. I don't do deals, my principle. Plus they only work on +/middle rank right? I'm a Nephilim, we're usually lower ranked."

"Oooh~ Right, forgot about that. Sorry pal." said Justin apologetically. The kids hearing it for the first time.

"It's alright, it doesn't bother me."

'Ugh, can we go? The longer we stay here the higher the chance we will be spotted. And I must say we're an easy target up here when it gets dark.. Which it is.'
Kuro said.

With that we all just started going after Justin. Since we're all demonic we arrived near T. C. faster than a bullet train.

(We actually passed one, it was funny to play tricks on the passengers -well I did, they couldn't see the others- before I concealed myself with magic.

"..and that is how you spook them. Run inhumanly fast or smth they can't comprehend~. Feels good to do this again, i couldn't when I stayed at the dorm's previously."

"Must've been boring as Hell, hahaha~" Justin ran next to me. I just gave a deadpan and annoyed look while the kids didn't really understand what Hell was and what he was laughing about.
I let them be with the Innocence these little Devil's could hold - and let me tell ya: I've heard stories about my siblings' childhood. THOSE were DEVILS to be released on an innocent public if not for father sparing his subjects the terrors and suffering from them instead.)

Nevermind that, it seems the exorcists or smo else changed the architecture of the city; it wasn't as much of a maze as before.

Riight~ Mephisto recently started working with Lucifer as another faction on the ground, meaning he must've given up control here after they saw him with the other Demon Kings ~10years ago.

Luckily, I know the destination...
If they haven't renovated the place. That would be shocking!!

Anyways it took us 3 tries until we could sneak in the City. I wore a hood as I saw on a newspaper that barely 15 years had passed after I left Assiah, so I'm sure they'd be able to recognize me. Taking out my key from one of my storage seals - which Justin whistled at-,I opened a door and we exited infront of...

Exorcists. Fucking Great!! 1st day and I'm already..!

They looked at us, up and down. We didn't wear an exorcist uniform or pin, plus some were kinda funny dressed and Justin had large ears... "DEMONS!!"
With that our groups (me and Justin VS 2Arias, 1 Dragoon and 1 Tamer) went against each other. Sadly they kids were struck down after one Aria found a damaging Verse affecting all of them, then the Tamer's summon reluctantly knocked them all out.
So now it was me and Justin VS the exorcists as we tried to protect the kids until I heard a familiar yell by a she-tiger: "Brat-Rin?!".

Looking towards the source, I saw a busty woman with fiery hair and being mildly dressed despite the cold weather. I recognized her instantly, "Shura?!".

Sadly, I didn't notice that someone knocked me out cold from the back of the head with smth hard and heavy. When I cracked an eye open I could only see shades of Red and black mix together before letting out a "Justin, Run, help". Then I fell to the ground, unconscious, hoping that he got my message to run and get help.

(Latest by the time the plaza knows, one of my brothers, likely Beel as he likes crowds and gossip, has heard too and is coming over.)

Running (From) HomeWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt