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Many humans had begun seeing the demons, due to their rising miasma, number, attacks, and accidental injuries gained from them. Luckily, the Illuminati were broadcasting an explanation to those who listened and it was already on the internet. Their workers were moving about hurriedly, trying to calm the masses with a few other demons who could speak in their language. It was chaos, but that's to be expected from an unexpected and worldwide war with a previously unknown race.

Thankfully they had planned on how to minimize civilian casualties, not that Exorcists were any help. Some even used civilians who could suddenly see them to cause a distraction or used them as shields to run away!! Good thing they had a healer in every dispatch causing no one/ very few to die. The demins who had been exorcised were simply send back to Gehenna, weakened and carrying injuries for the Healers there to take care of. Those who had been possessed by a demon were released by them and got talked to with another demon as an intermediary between both parties. All in all, they were progressing at an alarming rate in contrast for the exorcists who fell one after another.

Until, in front of the Vatican HQ in Italy, a giant hoarde of demons ready to attack stood. At least, that's what the exorcists inside the HQ thought they were doing.
But that assumption was wrong. They weren't gonna attack them, no, they were waiting for one single entity to do the final deed of claiming Assiah.

Suddenly a giant shadow rose up from beneath the demons and into the sky, forming into a giant, floweresque platform that held 7 mysterious figures along with a cylindrical container on top of it.

"Did you take care of everything?" Lucifer inquired.

"Yes, far too easy and I hope you know that I take offense to you doubting my skills" answered Rin. Astaroth just gave him a pat on the back as if in silent understanding, Rin shrugged him off.

"Come on baby bro, it's your first real war against humans. With us. Personally, I was expecting you to appear here on fire from excessive nerves" spoke Iblis slinging an arm around Rin's shoulders, who was blushing at the statement just as 2 more poofs -a green and purple cloud of smoke- appeared.

"We're not too late are we~?"
Rin, for whatever reason, burst into cackling laughter until Samael hit him with his umbrella on accident.

<<Enough!>> Echoed their father's voice making them apologise and straighten up. Meanwhile the exorcists cowered in fear, hearing the dreaded being speak from everywhere in Assiah.

"Everything is ready, father" spoke Azazel.
'Then I'll be taking over the vessel' Satan said to them mentally. Then the demons felt his presence fading from Gehenna and fill into the cylinder.

"What does the body even look like?" questioned Amaimon. Egyn and Rin looked at each other along with some of their other brothers before shrugging. Samael got a dastardly grin on his face and replied "The one of a Leader".

Shortly after the miasma intensified a million times over and every demon felt the presence of their god in Assiah, shivering in excitement. Moments later the container exploded and revealed something... or someone who then joined them on the platform.

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