high tide

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Two weeks had passed with Alex and I talking every day and hanging out in person whenever we could. And tonight was our first date. Amelia had offered to come help get me ready and although I wasn't big on girly dates or clothes, I tried not to complain. 

"Okay, I think we should go with this skirt. It's really basic but nice for a first date." 

"Can't I wear something else? I mean what if he takes us on a hike, I could just wear shorts?" I grunted, fussing with the ruffled hem. 

"Absolutely not. You need to branch out, expand your horizons! And besides, we need to surprise your boy with something you don't  wear literally all the time." 

"Okay, okay fine. but I am not wearing heels, fancy hair or excessive jewelry." I pointed at her. 

She laughed before running into my bathroom, coming out with a few simple rings and a gold necklace. I placed them all on, running my hands through my curled hair one last time. 


hey, I just left Jamie's. I should be there in about 20 minutes, that okay?

yeah, sounds good! See you then :)

I shut off my phone before collapsing on my small sofa across from my bed. 

"Want me to stay until he gets here?" 

"No that's okay Lia, you can go home if you want." I offered, peering out the window to the beach. 

"I want to though! It'll be exciting seeing you off." 

"Okay, whatever you want." 

"Hey, I heard you on the phone when I first got here. Was it your mom?" 

"Yeah, we talked for a while about plans and stuff." 

"Everything okay?"

"Yeah everything is fine, she's just freaking out about me applying to colleges and stuff. She's fine with whatever choice I make, but she wants me to at least tour a few places in the mainland when I visit." 

"When are you going?" 

"I'll be there pretty much all of July, I leave the 8th and come back the 4th of August I think. Sadie and Lucas won't stop talking about it apparently so that's something to look forward to I guess." 

"That's good. Have you thought about colleges and stuff yet?" 

"A bit, obviously my first choice is U of Hawaii, but UMich seems pretty cool. I've also been looking into Toronto and a few other schools all over the place." 

"Toronto. What the heck is in Toronto?" 

"Well, I don't know what I want to major in right now, but there are options. Like I said, just looking for now." 

"Well UMich and Toronto have hockey, I know you're big on that." 

I chuckled, still ruffling with my skirt. Hey, as Lia says 'beauty is pain'. 

Hockey had been my favorite sport, hobby, and basically my life when I still lived on the mainland. When I came to Hawaii, to put it simply, having zero ice rinks and basically no friends who played meant trading in my skates and sticks for surfboards. 

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