making waves

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Chandler Pov

The salty waves took over my body as I dove under the large break. I curled my body upwards, getting out of the water once again, searching for new waves.

"Cece, over there!" my best friend Tate called. I nodded, paddling the short distance before turning to face the beach. My eyes shut and I dipped my hand in the water, feeling it out. I looked back at the wave, now beginning to curl. I paddled again, getting up and positioning myself on the board. I weaved through the water, riding out the wave. The crystal blue water took over me as I jumped off of the board, returning to my original spot.

"Man the surf is pumping today!" I yelled, wiping my face as I got closer to Tate. He laughed, splashing me. We joked for a while before spotting another wave. We gave each other the look, both going for the same area. We mounted the boards, swerving almost to hit each other on purpose. I looked away for a split second before hearing a rough scream.

"Heads up C!" Tate yelled again. His board was less than a foot from mine before I jerked my board to the left. I regained my balance before hearing yet another yell. I had no time to react before being pulled, more like shoved, back into the ocean.

"Tate, you are so dead!" I yelled, coming extremely close to a face that definitely didn't belong to him.

"Oh my god, I'm so sorry, I thought you were someone else!" I said, covering my face in embarrassment.

"It's alright, I didn't see where I was going." He said. I moved my hands to get a good look at the boy, who had a thick accent. His hair was incredibly blond, his eyes as blue as the ocean we were both in.

"Hi, uh, I'm Alex." He repeated, holding out his hand for me to shake.

"Chandler." I replied, shaking it slowly.

I got back on my board, looking at the huge clock displayed on the watch tower.

"Wow, it's almost 2. I should probably go." I said nervously, beginning my trip back to shore.

"Hey wait!" He called, making his way over.

"I know this is totally random, but there's a night surf here at 9 if you wanna come. It'll be fun." He said, fiddling with his hands.

I smiled and nodded, "Maybe, I'll see" I said.


"Come on, Tate is going, why can't I?" I complained to my dad at the dinner table.

"No. I don't want you out there at night. It's dangerous." He said, not making eye contact.

"Dad are you serious? We have a beach house, I'm literally going up a block or two, it's not like i haven't done it before!"

He rubbed his forehead, then the tip of his nose. Bingo.

"You said Tate is going?"

"Yes, he'll be there the whole time. I'm supposed to pick him up in 10." I said, looking at my watch.

"Alright, but you are home at 12, no later."

"12:30, it's gonna be a pain in the ass to get back here without traffic."

"OK, go have fun, be safe!" He called as I went to the door.

"I will!" I replied, grabbing my bag and keys.

"And Chandler? Language." He said sternly, referring to my recent use of the swear word.

I nodded and ran out the door.

Ta-da! Chapter 1..... This is totally unedited, so all of this came from a boring study hall class 4 years ago, so apologies for any bad grammar or cheesiness!
In the next chapter hopefully you can get a better idea of the characters and what's going on in their crazy lives! 

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