Your Role

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Cinthia's POV

   "Hey", I said waking up to find Adrian seated on the couch working on a file.

    Adrian smiled in response before he continued working again.

    "You got him to sign the partnership deed",I asked smiling

    "I will tonight but he has agreed to sign it and yes we would be having dinner with him tonight", Adrian said

    "Alright then",I said standing up to go to the bathroom in order to take a shower.

     "Seriously, you are in Sydney",I said on the phone with Ava as soon as I got out of the bathroom.

    Adrian looked at me.

"We would surely meet up here",I said smiling and after some time I hang up

   Adrian was still staring at me.

  My cheeks got hot immediately as I noticed why he was staring, it was because I wore a short.

   "Adrian",I said wanting him to look at me and not my legs

   He didn't respond.

  "Adrian",I called out again then he looked at me

     "It was Ava, she's also in Sydney",I said smiling

    "Okay", Adrian said still looking at me

   "Adrian stop looking at my legs",I said

   "If that's the case, put on something less distracting", Adrian said defending himself while I was amused

    "No I won't, I have a right to decide what I wear",I said before seating on the bed with his eyes right on me

    "Don't tempt me Cinthia, remember the condition you gave me that I shouldn't touch you, do you remember that, if you would still love me to keep my end of the deal, kindly wear something less distracting", Adrian said while I blushed profusely before going into the bathroom to change into something less distracting like my husband called it

    "Good", Adrian said after taking a glance at me then he continued working in peace.

     I ordered a bowl of popcorn and ice cream before sitting down on the sofa watching a movie on my phone.

    "What are you doing", Adrian asked before throwing a popcorn into his mouth as he sat next to me

    "Watching a movie, you done with your work",I asked before looking at him

   "Am I ever done with work", Adrian asked as he took a spoon of the ice cream

    "The answer is no",I said before laying my head on his chest while we watched the movie together.

     "Isn't it the same movie we watched few days ago",Adrian asked

    "Shh.. don't ruin the moment",I said before putting a popcorn in his mouth to keep him quiet

    "You know I could take you out to see a movie right now", Adrian said obviously tired of rewatching a movie

    "And where is the fun in that",I asked

  "And this is your definition of fun, rewatching a tragedy ", Adrian asked

   "Go continue your work Adrian",I said as I paused the movie then I looked at him

    "Alright fine, we will watch this movie but why can't I just spend time with my wife without her getting so upset with me ", Adrian asked pulling me closer to him

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