Chaos No 2

18 1 0

Adrian's POV

I was on my way to the elevator when my eyes caught the news being broadcast on the plasma TV in the lounge.

   "Someone was shot in the Galaxy Mall today",said an employee as they discussed in group

    Galaxy Mall, I thought as I had a sick feeling in my stomach

   Cinthia, she had told me she was going to the mall today with Joe, Cinthia, I thought before reaching for my phone to call her.

    "Pick up, pick up",I said silently as I called Cinthia but she wasn't picking

    The City hospital, I thought as I immediately drove the car to the city hospital with hopes that Cinthia was alright.

    "Is Mrs Cinthia Adrian Anderson admitted here by any chance",I asked tapping on the counter

    "I can't disclose the names of our patients sir",said the receptionist while I frowned

   "That lady is my wife so please answer me",I asked looking at her

    "Oh, she was brought in here with a woman earlier, but the woman died, do check the halls",said the receptionist

    "Dead",I breathed in heavily with tears in my eyes

    "The woman is dead but Mrs Cinthia Adrian Anderson is alright",said the receptionist and I ran towards the hall in search of my wife

    And there she was and I ran towards her.

   "Adrian my mom...",Ava said in tears standing in my way but I passed away from her towards my wife

    "Oh Cinthia",I said as I hugged her tightly not willing to let her go.

    "Adrian", Cinthia said in tears holding me

   "I'm so glad you are alright, I was really scared honey, I don't ever want to lose you, I can not lose you",I said as I pecked her cheek before wiping off her tears

    She smiled in tears as she hugged me again.

   Somehow I knew we were alright but deep down something was wrong.

   "Adrian my mom is dead",Ava said and I immediately turned to look at Cinthia

    "She was shot right in front of me at the mall", Cinthia said in tears

   "How, why, Joe can not be dead",I said in disagreement as I let go of Cinthia

    "My mom is dead, Adrian",Ava said in tears as she hugged me

    "I'm sorry to hear that Ava",I said as I patted her back

    "I couldn't even tell her that I love her ",Ava said in tears while I kept looking at Cinthia who sat down with her head buried in her hands, I wished more than anything but to carry her home to comfort her.

    Sitting down between two crying ladies made me gain every courage not to cry too, Joe was like my second mother to me, she knew me better than my parents knew me because her home was my safe haven back then when I was a teenager any time I got into an argument with my dad.

   Oh no why, I wanted to cry out but I kept silent as I watched Cinthia close her eyes as she sat.

     "Mrs Anderson", said a policeman as he approached us

    Cinthia looked up to see the man before nodding.

    "May I have some words with you ",said the Policeman

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