He's back ♥️

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" You called me",Ava said as she sipped her wine.

    "I am sorry to hear about your mom's passing",said the only man she has ever loved

    "I don't need your sorry",Ava said dropping the glass of wine

    "I can not take it back either, why did you do that to me",the man said

    "I did nothing to you",Ava said

   "Quit lying to me, you hurt me more than anyone else had ever done, you made me bed ridden with guilt each time you appeared before me and there I was thinking I had gone crazy not knowing you were playing with my feelings, Ava you paid me back in full for ever hurting you",said the man

   "Listen to me Richard, everything I did to you it's because I know you deserved it but what you did to me, I never deserve any of that, you hurt me, you are a beast", Ava said drinking

      "I'm sorry for not saving you 6 years ago but if I had known you were in that car, I would have risked all to get you out because I loved you", he said

    "No you don't, you never did, if you loved me you wouldn't have left me standing at the restaurant that night, I waited for you to come, I waited so that I could tell you again what I had been saying to for years back but you had always rejected my love for you, that night Richard I got reminded of that bitter truth again which is that you could never love me and you told me in full by your absence at the restaurant",Ava said as tears filled up her eyes

       "I couldn't tell you that I loved you because I couldn't see us together, you are 8 years younger than me, you deserve someone who is your mate, a man who understood you better than I could, I was at the restaurant that night Ava, I just didn't come to you, you were engaged to my brother for goodness sake, I couldn't ruin that for you both, I had to leave you Ava",said the man

    Ava kept quiet as tears rolled down her face.

    "You could have told me you were alive and I would have left everything just to be with you but you know what you did, you let hatred get the better of you, you kept taunting me by bribing the therapist to give me the wrong medication, do you really hate me that much Ava",said the man

     "You are right, I don't just hate you but I despise you, you are a loser ",Ava said angrily

    "And God loves you Ava, I found peace in Him, you need Him in your life Ava, even though we can not be together ever again, I just want you to have this best gift I could ever give you on a Christmas day, Jesus Christ, accept Him into your life and He would set you free from all this anger and bitterness you have in you, don't let it be too late before you do cos He's coming soon",he said

    "Wonders shall never end, I don't need you or your God, don't call me again Richard, we are over",Ava said before hanging up and she threw away her phone angrily.


    Adrian's POV

   The early morning sun ray woke me up from sleep as I opened my eyes to see Cinthia right beside me with a tray in her hand.

    "Good morning honey", Cinthia said smiling as she sat down beside me

    "Good morning ",I said wondering what she was up to

   "So I have been wondering what kind of a wife am I to always allow my amazing husband to plan all the surprises for me so I have decided to change that by making you breakfast this morning", Cinthia said smiling while I smiled

     "Now go freshen up and I will serve you breakfast", Cinthia said while I obeyed.

    Starting the day with such a romantic gesture made me happy as I got ready for work.

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