My Wife

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Adrian's POV

  In the two days Cinthia was in Atlanta, I had a great time with her and Sam.

   It was sad to watch her go back to Australia, I was yet to make a move yes I know.

   Mom was just too surprised to say anything.

  "You didn't put the ring on her", my mom asked

  I only smiled, only God and I knew what we were up to.

    I finally spoke to Richard and it was a happy reunion.

    I didn't ask him about Claire I wanted to trust him and I'm sure he would tell me when the time was right.

    I got to meet up with Ava and to be honest, I could see Jesus smiling through her, what a spiritual transformation.

     I have started to pray to God to reveal what He wants me to do in my life and the result shocked me.

    I'm not going to tell you yet.

    I have been busy with work now and it's been over a month since Cinthia left for Australia with Sam.

     We do make video calls every night and it's been difficult for us cos we just wanted to be together.

   I finally asked Cinthia about us if she would be happy to stay in Atlanta with me and she was okay with it but she was concerned about Abraham she didn't want to leave him without any companion.

    So it got me praying too.

  On first week of April, Ava met the father of her baby and they have started to think about their future and on the second week, my sister got married and I finally saw my wife again.

   It was a joyous occasion for us since even Richard came home.

   Mom was so happy that she wouldn't let him out of her sight likewise Adrianna who just couldn't stop smiling.

    "So when are you finally going to get your wife back", Richard asked that night

   "She's back", I said smiling and Richard only looked at me.

   Cinthia and I decided to finally see an old couple which the pastor recommended for us, they were to counsel us about things about marriage.

   Though it was a bit hard on Cinthia cos the couple made mention of making love between  couples and I know how difficult it is for Cinthia to hear that since I also made some research about victims of rape and it was overwhelming.

    Two months of counseling and I could say there was improvement in our relationship, well I kissed my wife and this time she didn't puke.

    So yeah, we were making progress on that.

   I took a step in my relationship again when I asked Cinthia if I could adopt Sam as my son and she was so happy that she gave me a kiss not that it was the only way to react but it proved she now trusted me cos she initiated a kiss this time plus I get to have a son.

   I have been talking to Rose who Cinthia later met for lunch, I have been following up on her spiritual growth eventhough I'm still growing as well.

    On the 24th of July, I got to know the truth about Claire and Richard eventhough it was a mixed news both good and bad.

   Claire was in a coma after delivering a set of twins, two baby girl.

    And my brother was their father, yeah I was shocked but not as my mom was.

    It was a thing of joy to our family but we were concerned about Richard and how he was going to cope being the father of two baby girl.

    Mom adviced him to come home, transfer Claire to an hospital in Atlanta while he brings the babies too.

    A miracle happened on the very first day Richard stepped into the house, dad woke up.

    We were so grateful to God and it was a moment of celebration cos Adrianna and Philip came back from their honeymoon, Cinthia and Sam came from Australia and we all had so much to thank God for.

   Emma and Sarah were a bundle of joy to us all, Richard's babies.

    In the light of all this, I threw a surprise wedding for my wife on her birthday, it was the happiest day of our lives.

    We finally got married as two souls willing to spend the rest of their lives together.

    Should I tell you about our wedding night?

Of course not, it's a bedroom matter which proved to be the best thing I have ever done apart from the gift of salvation.

    It was a moment of renewal of vows, promises of a beautiful future and of new beginning.

    Cinthia and I discussed about the vision she had and I told her about mine too which were actually interwoven.

   On the 24th of March of the following year, we made the plans which we committed to God and He blessed.

  We called it,  People with Christ attitude, it's a foundation for both boys and girls who desire to have something more with God, who wish to start afresh, who wants to be who God wants them to be cos He said in His words in Jeremiah 29:11 that He knows the thoughts he thinks towards us, thoughts of good and not of evil, to give us an expected end, He wants nothing better for us to come to know Him and be His beloved children who are after His own heart.

      Sam got a new sibling on the 9th of October, a baby girl Joe Stevin Anderson who looked so much like her mother.

   When God joined two souls together, He joined them with a purpose and for a purpose that is good and what we had to do was to let Him lead us which He did and He's still doing.

   My only regret is that I didn't know God early but that doesn't mean I can't serve Him now, I only want to raise up my children with the knowledge of God's love and spend the rest of my life loving my wife God's way and with that, I can say God's thoughts and ways are far beyond our imagination.

   We might have had the worst life but no one who has God in his life will not have the best life - make the choice today and I can assure you, you would not regret your decision.

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