I didn't know

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Cinthia's POV

Each day became a struggle for me, each time Adrian tried to even hold my hands, I tremble, I couldn't even look him in the eyes without remembering the horrible incident of that night, each time he tried to make peace, I just couldn't bear to make one with him cause I know I wasn't going to be okay ever again.

   I was lost in the echoes of my fears, each day was a hurdle until it became a great challenge to even rise up from bed without first running into the bathroom to puke.

    It's been three weeks since that incident now and I noticed my period hadn't arrived yet and the thought of the possibility of being pregnant worried me to death.

    With a shaking hand, I stepped out of the bathroom with the pregnancy strip reading two red lines meaning.

"Cinthia", Adrian said immediately he got into our room.

    I was pregnant,

  "I am pregnant", I muttered out as tears came running down my face

   I am pregnant, I thought before looking at Adrian who was starting to fix the puzzle before him.

   "Is that a pregnancy strip", Adrian asked before walking closer to me and I immediately told him to stop.

   "Please don't come near me Adrian", I said as I felt my knees shaking before I gave way to it and I fell to the ground in tears while Adrian looked confused

   "You are pregnant", Adrian said as he took the pregnancy tester which fell on the ground too

  "You are pregnant", Adrian said again more like a declaration.

   "I can not be sure, I can not be sure", I said slowly before rising up to my feet and I was about to leave the room when Adrian held my hand and that got me really frightened.

   "You are going to tell Richard you are pregnant", Adrian asked and that got me so confused

   "I am going to the hospital because I need to confirm", I said immediately then he released my hand and the next thing I knew was me being at the hospital and being tested to know if I was pregnant.

   "Congratulations Mrs Anderson, you are three weeks pregnant", said the doctor smiling and I could sense Adrian getting upset already.

    Does he think the pregnancy is for Richard, I couldn't help but to ask myself as we walked out of the hospital only for the press to surround us.

   "Cinthia, tell us are you really pregnant", a lady asked pointing the camera at me and that made me hyperventilate.

   "Is this pregnancy for your husband", another person asked

   "Was your husband not away for some time now, how come you are three weeks pregnant", another asked

   "Who is the owner of your pregnancy Cinthia", another asked

   "Adrian is the baby for you please tell us", another asked and I couldn't believe my ears as Adrian looked at me before looking at the press

   "My wife is currently excited about the news of our baby and this is the questions you have for her, baby let's go home", Adrian said loving as he looked into my eyes and that got me to follow him.

    While Adrian drove us home, mom called us, even Adrianna did as they were all so excited about the news .

   "I have not touched you, have I Cinthia", Adrian asked as he drove the car while I kept mute

   "Answer me Cinthia", Adrian said raising his voice and that made me terrified..

   My confidence was gone, my voice seemed to be gone as well as I tried to find what to say.

   "You are not going to say anything are you", Adrian asked me

    "Alright then we will have it your way, you get yourself out of this mess cos I wouldn't have my wife carrying a bastard right inside my house, you hear me Cinthia", Adrian asked before parking the car in the penthouse.

   He turned off the ignition before facing me.

   "You don't want to tell me who you were sleeping with behind my back, it's alright I don't care who it is but one thing I know is you are not going to remain my wife cos I don't marry prostitutes", Adrian said and that made me look at him with tears in my eyes.

   "I didn't sleep with anyone", I managed to say

   "And you expect me to believe that, you are not a virgin Mary are you", Adrian asked and that made me feel so sad as I wiped off my tears before getting down from the car.

    "You don't walk out on me when I'm talking to you",  Adrian said immediately he entered the room I have been staying for a while now.

   "I don't want to talk to you Adrian", I said before sitting on the bed wondering what to do next

    I would give anything to just wake up from the horrible nightmare.

    "Well I do, tell me Cinthia is the father Richard", Adrian asked

   "You really believe I could cheat on you, don't you", I asked sadly as I felt so utterly ashamed

   "You gave me so much to believe, you have been romancing with Richard behind my back haven't you, answer me", Adrian asked angrily

    I kept quiet as the memories of that horrible night filled my mind.

   "Say something Cinthia", Adrian said with his hands on my arms hurting me and the look in his eyes made me feel terrible cos my reaction must have shocked him.

   Cos I had slapped him while I yelled at him saying, don't hurt me again

   "What did you just say Cinthia", Adrian asked in shock

   "Forget it", I said standing up to leave the room

   "Don't leave me in doubts about this, what do you mean by don't hurt me again, have I hurt you once Cinthia", Adrian asked not willing to let it go

   "It's nothing Adrian", I said before walking away but he blocked my path before making me stand against the wall.

   "Have I ever hurt you before Cinthia", Adrian asked as he cupped my face in his hands

    I was too frightened to speak

  "Cinthia say something please", Adrian asked whispering into my ears and that sent me running into the bathroom to puke not just due to pregnancy but due to Adrian's closeness to me.

   "It's alright", Adrian said as he lifted up my hair before gently patting my back.

    I felt so uneasy being close to Adrian so I moved away from him.

    " I havd hurt you, did I not", Adrian asked me while I looked into his eyes

   I couldn't bring myself to tell him the truth, I was afraid of losing him as much as I was of having him close by.


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