Another chaos

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Cinthia's POV
We never got the chance to talk about that night since we so caught up with the preparation for our trip my parents place.

   "You got everything", Adrianna asked me on the phone.

   "Yes I did",I said

  "Don't forget my gift for Pricilia and Kyle", Adrianna said

   "Yes yes I didn't forget",I said smiling

"Okay then, send me pictures of", Adrianna said before hanging up.

    It's been awhile since I have heard from Nikki , the last time I heard from her was during Christmas, she was talking about how arrogant her new boss was though Nikki wasn't a type to talk bad about someone it meant that person had frustrated the life out of her.

  This made me smile so I called her.

   "Finally, I thought you were dead",Nikki said which made me laugh

   "How are you doing",I asked

  "I'm good I thank God and you",Nikki said

  "I'm good as well, ",I said

   "So how's your prince charming", Nikki asked

    I don't know, to be honest, I just know we are back to square 1 where we were both acting as strangers living together.

        "He's alright",I said

   "You don't sound happy about him, why what's wrong", Nikki asked

     "I'm just tired that's all, we are going to see my parents",I said

   "Oh I see, have a nice trip",Nikki said

   "Will you be able to come as well",I asked

   "I am going to New Orleans with Mike to meet his parents",Nikki said casually

    "Mike as in your boss, one time arrogant boss",I asked smiling

    "He's not that arrogant after all, I think I judged him too early", Nikki said

   "Okay how did that happened", I asked

   "Well it's a long story", Nikki said giving me the full details of how it happened.

    "He's God's will for your life partner", I asked

   "Yes yes, I prayed and he prayed and we both got the same answer, I'm getting married soon baby", Nikki said smiling

    "Well I will be your bridesmaid",I said smiling

     "Of course dear, do have fun and say hello to everyone for me", Nikki said as I hung up

    "Ma'am, Sir is waiting for you downstairs", Rachel said

    Have I told you Adrian and I have not said a word to each other for the past two days now.

     The silence in the car was getting on my nerves and I didn't like that so I plugged in my ear piece as I listened to songs.

    "Here I am, all my intentions, all my obsessions I wanna lay them down. In your hands only your love is vital thou I'm not entitled still you call your child", I sang in silence closing my eyes while Adrian kept working on some files in the meantime.

   To be honest, he's been overworking himself for some days now and I have been avoiding him.

  Adrian's POV

      I feel like we are now strangers, we have things to say to each other but we kept quiet waiting for who to bring it up first knowing fully well that doing it would cause chaos.
   So we did what we thought was wise, not talk to each other and that's been so difficult just like now.

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