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Adam had just scored the first goal for Team USA, making Harvey smile as she skated over to him. He had his arms opened wide for Harvey when one of Iceland's players hit Adam's arm with his stick. Harvey gasped as she skated towards the boys faster, while the refs just pushed the guy farther from them, not allying anything. She skated right in front of the guy and pushed him to the floor, making him fall on his ass, just like she promised she would. She was defending Adam and they blew the whistle on her.

"Number eighty six, two minutes for unnecessary roughness." She groaned as she made her way to the penalty box, glaring down the boy as she did. He only smiled and waved, causing her to groan as she thought of at least a hundred ways to hurt him "on accident". She sat in the box as Dean made his way down to the glass, banging on it and yelling at the blonde headed asshole.


The horns blared as Iceland cheered. The final score was twelve to one, and Harvey was afraid of getting yelled at even more than usual. She watched as Adam skated over to her, smile on his face as if nothing happened.

"How's your leg?" She had honestly forgotten all about her leg, almost as if the pain never existed. She smiled knowing that if anything helped her with her problems, it was hockey.

"It's great. How's your arm, Banksie?" He rolled his eyes as he grabbed her hand with his good one.

"It's all good, Harv." Harvey hasn't known Adam for very long, but she has known him long enough to know that he was lying, but she didn't want to keep questioning him about his injury, so she brushed it off, believing whatever lie he was telling as they made their way to the locker room with the rest of their team.

They opened the door, glad to see that their coach wasn't in there yet as they made their way to their lockers. Harvey began to take her gear off, her jersey and skates laid on the floor when their coach walked in.

"Twelve to one." Harvey turned around and looked at her coach who was obviously upset at their performance tonight. "Twelve to one." She moved away from her locker and sat on a stool in front of Adam. "You know what word comes to mind when you think of that? " Harvey turned to the side and looked at Charlie as she furrowed her brows in confusion. "Pathetic!" Harvey glared at her coach as he yelled at them. She hated when anyone yelled, it reminded her of when her "friends" would yell at her. "You guys were brought here to play hockey."

"What about you?" She turned her attention to a mad looking Jesse as he questioned their coach.

"What about me, Jesse?" Harvey sighed, causing Adam to look down at her and put his hand on her shoulder. She softly smiled as she brought her arm up and held his while it remained on her shoulder.

"Coach Stansson knew everything about us." Harvey tensed as she heard one of her best friends speak up to Coach Bombay. "They were ready for us."

"And you spend your time driving around in convertibles talking to those sponsor fools." Harvey silently agreed with her brother as Bombay just stood, listening to every word that came out of his players' mouths.

"Or hanging with the Iceland lady." Her eyes widened when the sentence came out of Fulton's mouth. Bombay looked mad, and she knew they wouldn't get off that easily. "We saw you two Saturday night." Everyone looked disappointed in their coach, looking at each other for conformation on the statement.

"Hey, hey , what I do is none of your business. Is that clear?" Players scoffed while others kept quite, afraid of what their coach would do. After a couple seconds of silence, the team began to make their way to their lockers, taking off their gear. "Don't take those pads off. Everyone stay in your gear, we have practice." he began to walk away, making his way out towards the rink. Harvey couldn't take it anymore.

"Now you want to practice? Where were you when we actually needed to practice before the games? Maybe, just maybe, if you called a practice, we would have won. But no, you were too busy getting brand deals and doing photo shoots with models to even think of us. You were too busy hanging out and going on dates with the blonde Iceland trainer to even realize we still needed to practice. Perdimos por tu culpa, traidor egocéntrico. Estoy en este equipo por una razón, y esa razón parece no significar nada ahora." By now, everyone was shocked by the small girls outburst. No one has ever seen her this mad besides Luis, but that's only because she's his sister. Coach walked closer to them and looked at Luis as Harvey turned around and rested her head against her locker, letting small tears fall down her face as Adam tried to comfort her.

"What was the last part she said?" Luis continued to get his ear on, ignoring his coach as he silently thanked his sister for going off on him. "Fine don't tell me. Harvey, you aren't playing anymore. You can practice with us tonight, and from now on, you don't play, you sit in the box and coach." He walked out of the locker room, leaving everyone stunned as Adam pulled the girl closer to him, holding her as she cried.

"It's okay, at least he didn't kick you off the team, and he deserved you yelling at him. You didn't deserve that though. I'm sorry Harv." They girl pulled away from him and wiped her face smiling up at him as she began to get ready for their late night practice.

Out of everything in the world, the only things she could think about were how she managed to ruin everything, and how lucky she was to have Adam.

Perdimos por tu culpa, traidor egocéntrico. Estoy en este equipo por una razón, y esa razón parece no significar nada ahora. (We lost because of you, you self centered traitor. I'm on this team for a reason, and that reason seems to mean nothing anymore.)

ALMOST SIX HUNDRED READS!?! I didn't think this book would do
that good, but thank you to those who read.

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