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Harvey watched as the two boys put on there bandanas, ready to shove some blonde rats. She smirked as she handed both of them their sticks, watching as they both jump over the boards.

"Party!" Fulton and Dean skated towards an Iceland player and shoved him into the glass, making everyone cheer. The Bash Bros on the the ice would be absolute hell to whoever was out there. Dean and Fulton were shoving and checking kids left and right, not caring if they got up or not. Number seventy four took the puck down the rink, straight to Goldie and shot it. Goldie saved it before it went in and passed it to Kenny, who was already coming around the net. Harvey and Adam cheered in excitement as Kenny passed the puck back to Fulton and did a cool trip, knocking two skaters on their ass as Fulton passed the puck back to Kenny, letting the boy score a goal.

"Yeah!" Kenny looked at the goalie and said something to clearly make him angry. The goalie started skating after Kenny, making him turn around. "Oh shit." She watched as Kenny did what they had taught him that afternoon. He dropped his stick, threw his gloves, and pulled the goalies shirt, getting a two minute penalty. Harvey stood up and high fived the two boys as they skated past her and made their way to the penalty box as Harvey banged on the side of the boards, making a bunch of noise. "Good job, little bash brother!" She pointed to him as he sat in the penalty box, happy with what he had just done.

"Yes, let's hear it for the three bash brothers and bash babe entertaining the crowd." Harvey and the team watch s Fulton and Dean slap every single Iceland players helmet, earning two minutes in the penalty box. They three boys bang on the glass, making the crowd go wild. Coach puts Connie in and Charlie and Harvey are quick to stop her.

"Connie, they're gonna hit you first." She rolls her eyes and shakes them off.

"Don't worry about me, I'll be fine." She quickly hops over the boards only to get shoved by one of the tallest players on the team. One of the Iceland boys hit the puck towards the net and misses, making the puck stop against the boards. Harvey watches in shock as Dwayne skated towards the Iceland boy who's already close to shoving Connie.


"Oh shit." Everyone watches as Dwayne swings the rope above his head and throws it around the boy, pulling him towards the floor. Everyone besides Charlie, Harvey, Coach, and Ms. McKay cheer as Dwayne pulls the boy across the ice. "Damn it, cowboy."

"This isn't a hockey game, it's a circus."


"Did y'all enjoy that?" The team looked around at each other and nodded. "Ok, well so did they, because they're still three points up and we're still one period away from defeat." Harvey looked at the flor and sighed. She just wanted them to win this one game, and she knew they could. The team sat on their stools in front of their lockers.

"Well if we can't beat em', we might as well keep our pride." The team all agreed but coach just shook his head.

"Jesse that's not pride. Sure when Dwayne roped that big oaf, part of me cheered." Harvey nudged Dwayne's shoulder and shot her friend a soft smile, getting a big one in return. "But guys, I've been there, I know how you feel. I wanted to cream that jerk that busted my knee when I played in the minors. And I really, really wanted to go after Stansson for that cheap shot, even though Harvey kind of did it for me." The team laughed while the remembered Harvey kneeing Stansson in his male parts. "But you know what? My knee will heal. And if I become someone I'm not, if I sink to their level, well then, I've lost more than my knee. you understand?" The team muttered a bunch of yeahs as coach made his way past all of them. He stood in front of everyone and looked around, pointing at Dean. "You, who are you?" The boy looked at Fulton and then and Bombay.

"Dean Portman." Coach nodded and asked another question, where he was from. "Chicago, Illinois." And he pointed to another player.

"Guy Germaine. From St. Paul, Minnesota."

"Jesse Hall. Minneapolis, Minnesota." Harvey smiled when she felt Adam's hand slide into hers as he squeezed slightly, mouthing and I love you to the girl. She mumbled the same before resting her head on his shoulder.

"Julie Gaffney from Bangor, Maine." Coach pointed at the twins together and they both stood up.

"Luis and Harvey Mendoza,"

"from Miami, Florida." She fist bumped her brother and sat back down.

"Greg Goldberg from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania." Player after player stood up, stating who they were, and where they came from, until it was Adam's turn.

"Adam Banks. Edina, Minnesota." Harvey side hugged her boyfriend as everyone cheered for themselves.

"We're team USA, gathered from all across the country. And we're going to stick together. You know why?" Harvey watched as Jan walked into the locker room with a smile on his face.

"Because we are ducks, and ducks fly together." Coach pointed to the heavily accented man and smiled.

"Thats right, Jan."

"Now, new ducks, old ducks must unite under a new banner. And I thought perhaps something like this." Jan walked out of the room and walked back in with a box, full of teal and white duck jerseys. Coach began passing out jerseys, calling names to come and get theirs.

"Twins!" The siblings walked towards the big box as coach handed them their jerseys.

H. Mendoza

"Oh, okay. The one time I don't play, I get my number back, like seriously, who gave me eighty six in the first place?"



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