Chapter 1 - Where everything went wrong

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6 years ago (age 13)

I met up with Harry today. I really missed him recently. Not in a like oh my god he’s s fit I always miss him way, although I won’t deny it… He is fit. But I miss seeing him. A few years ago we would see each other all the time but I hardly saw him anymore. I knew that he was trying out for X Factor and that he got through because he text me when he came off stage telling me. Although I was three years younger than him we were still best friends. Yeah he had friends his own age but he always told me that I was the best friend he had, especially a friend that was a girl because I liked him for him. Not because he was going on X Factor or that he was fit.

4 years ago (15th birthday)

It was my birthday; Niall was taking me out for dinner. We got to the restaurant and had a great time. Even though I was four years younger than Niall I still loved him more than anything, it was all thanks to Harry that we were together. When Harry introduced me to the band they all wondered why he was best friends with someone so much younger than him but it was only three years. Niall acted different though. He didn’t think of me as younger than him, he was the first one out of the boys to speak to me properly and I guess everything moved on from there. When people say they get a tingling feeling when they’re so happy, I could say I had that all the time. Niall had that effect on me, he made my heart melt and I had never been more in love with someone or something than I was now. After dinner he drove me home and then my mum invited him in, even though he was famous and had been rumored to be with other girls while he was with me and things like that, my parents still fell in love with him as soon as they met him. Just like most other people they thought he was cute and could never hurt anyone. Me and Niall cuddled on the sofa watching films, I missed times like this when he was away on tour, times when none of his fans were around to ruin the beautiful moment I was sharing with him.

“I love you,” he said to me.

“I love you too” I replied. And I did. I really did.

A month later

I got home crying. I had been at Niall’s and he had just broken up with me. I felt like my heart was crushed into millions of pieces and then them pieces stamped on. He didn’t even tell me a reason why. He just told me it was over and there was no point in trying to call him or anything. He made me feel so worthless.

2 weeks later

I sat on the bathroom floor crying. No one was home thankfully, not that I felt like I could speak to anyone about this. I had felt sick for about a week now and only today did I get the courage to take a pregnancy test. I was pregnant. And the baby was Niall’s. Later that day my mum came home and I felt like I had to tell her, she was the only one I could kind of trust in my family apart from my brother, Danny, but he lived an hour away. I was sat on the sofa still with red eyes and a few tearstains on my cheeks.

“Honey, what’s wrong?” My mum asked walking over to me worriedly. I tried to bring myself to tell her.

“I…I..I’m pregnant.” I choked out, the lump forming in my throat as the tears started falling freely down my face once again. My mum just stood there staring at me shocked. Surely she knew I wasn’t her innocent little girl anymore. Soon she started crying and sent me to my room saying she’ll have my dad deal with me when he got home. I knew my dad would be more harsh than sending me to my room. I knew one thing for sure… I wasn’t having an abortion. I may be too young to look after this baby but I wasn’t going to kill it. When my dad got home I could feel my mum telling him and him slowly getting madder and madder. He stormed into my room telling me how stupid I was to get pregnant at 15 and how I was just going to waste my life away so I needed to get rid of it. He talked about my baby like it was a monster growing inside of me. I refused saying that I wasn’t going to kill an innocent baby and it ended that my dad said either I get rid of the baby or I get out. So half an hour later I was standing outside my house after being kicked out. I text my brother before asking if he could come and get me, he agreed because we were very close so he told me that he would always be there for me. He arrived and on the way back to his flat I told him everything. He was shocked but he didn’t get mad. I told him about our parents kicking me out and he said I could live with him until I got stuff sorted. I had to quit school but Danny sorted someone to home school me and he supported me through the pregnancy even when I got stroppy at him. He especially supported me when I found out I was having twins…

When they were born he helped me with everything and when they were one I had managed to get enough money, that was meant to be for university but I guess I wouldn’t be needing that, and buy a nice flat for me and the girls because I guessed Danny didn’t want two baby girls around him all the time.

AN - Right so this is my first story, I've actually been planning this for ages but my internet was all weird and wouldn't let me log in. I hope you like this chapter:)xxx

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