c h a p t e r - t e n

316 36 71

Day - 5

Pin-drop silence filled the room which was unusual with Ahana and Aayrah. They still weren't over the last night's fight. As soon as the sun shone in the sky, the quadrat made their way to the hotel by asking people around and found their way back which wasn't much away. The town of Dharamshala looked beautiful than ever with the early morning sunlight. The coldness in the air was making them shiver but no one complained as what was in front of them was heaven. Aayrah was already mesmerized and felt much better with the talk she had with Shivansh last night. She felt as if there was some connection between them which made them understand each other more clearly. Shivansh felt the same but none of them spoke about it.

Aayrah took out some warm clothes and was making her way to the washroom to get refreshed when Ahana finally thought of calling her out as she doesn't want to spend the rest of the trip with them being grumpy with each other. She knew Aayrah won't make any attempt as she never has before as well. She never believed in apologizing for other's mistakes. Aayrah turned around to look at Ahana who looked a bit reluctant. Saying sorry to siblings is the toughest task on this planet after all.

"What?" Aayrah asked with a plain face. Ahana sighed and sat down on the bed.

"I am sorry. I knew it wasn't anyone's mistake but I still took it out on you," Ahana said and smiled at the end. The apologetic smile she would give to make up the things. Aayrah got seated on the bed.

"Excuse me? Don't you think you are taking Chirag's side now?" she asked raising her eyebrows.

"It was clearly his mistake as he was reading the map," she said again. Ahana nodded knowing very well whose fault it was but it was a different state and sometimes we do mistakes. That's what she thought.

"Yes, maybe," she said making Aayrah a bit irritated.

"Tell me something," Aayrah asked eyeing Ahana who looked up at her not knowing what she might ask. Ahana still nodded as Aayrah spoke again, "Do you like him?"

Ahana was taken back by this question. She very well knew how she felt about Chirag ever since her college days but she kept on denying it saying he isn't the type of boy she would want to date ever. His flirtatious nature was the main reason for her to think that way.

"Of course not," Ahana said shaking her head and moved to the side away from Aayrah. Aayrah sighed.

"Gosh! Di. Stop denying everything and for once accept something which is written on your face," she said with frustration and got up from her seat to go to the bathroom to take a hot shower after the long night.

"You blush when you are with him," she said again. Aayrah very well noticed the expressions on her sister's face even though she has never exactly asked her about the same.

"That's not true," Ahana said still denying. She won't exactly accept the thing she denied since long but she couldn't deny the fact that being with Chirag actually made her feel better. Mostly about herself.

"Fine, whatever," Aayrah said with a shrug, "I will be taking the shower first as I am damn hungry."

"You will eat breakfast without me?" Ahana asked with a pout. Aayrah rolled her eyes at her and shook her head slightly.

"We are not leaving you here. It's just I am hungry that I can't wait," Aayrah said pressing a smile. Ahana rolled her eyes.

"Fine. I will be downstairs once I am done," she said getting up to decide what to wear for the day. It was cold outside so she thought of going for layers.

"Cool," Aayrah said with a shrug again and made her way inside the bathroom.


Aayrah stretched her legs behind the table looking at the breathtaking view of the mountains. The hotel was set on the hill so the part of the town was visible along with trees and of course the snow-clad mountain. Aayrah took out her mobile and set the plate and her glass such that the backside mountains and trees will be visible along with the breakfast. She wanted to put it on Instagram. She took a few shots from different angels and swiped through them to see the best one. Feeling contained with one of the shots she smiled and pressed the share button to post it on Instagram.

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