c h a p t e r - f o u r t e e n

293 36 79

Day - 8

Ahana was fuming when she woke up to the note from Aayrah saying she will be going for an overnight trek with Shivansh. She tried to call Aayrah but it went to voice mail so instead, she sent a message to which she hasn't gotten any reply yet. She didn't believe Aayrah ditched her just like that. She knew very well that Aayrah was frustrated but she didn't think Aayrah would behave this immaturely. She got ready early today and was ready to start her day at least. She didn't want to ruin her mood while Aayrah enjoyed her day to the fullest. After a lot of thinking, she finally decided to let herself loose and she didn't want to waste this day after coming so far.

So finally, she made her way out of the room and locked it behind. She sighed before turning towards Chirag's room in a hope that he might be still here so she doesn't have to roam around alone. The idea which she didn't like. She has never been as bold as Aayrah so she never tried or thought of doing something alone. She knocked on the door and waited for Chirag. No one came so she rang the bell instead and she let out a sigh of relief when she heard a sound coming from inside of the room. He was still there but still no one opened the door. She crooked her eyebrows and pulled the phone from her bag as she dialled Chirag's number. The rings went on but still no response. She was about to cut the call when a sleepy voice greeted her.

"Ahana. Are you missing me too much that you couldn't even wait for Sun to shine?" Chirag said in a sleepy voice making Ahana roll her eyes.

"It's bloody 8 in the morning, Chirag," She said with irritation and sighed when she heard a shuffling sound. She spoke again after giving Chirag some time to recover, "We need to leave now."

"What? Shivansh didn't..." Chirag said with confusion and stopped momentarily as he spoke again, "Oh right he left with Aayrah. Lucky boy." he chuckled at the end. A frown formed on Ahana's face hearing his words.

"You knew?" she asked crooking her eyebrows.

"You didn't?" Chirag asked her. She sighed when a staff person gave her a weird look. She was still standing at Chirag's door which was closed.

"Can you please open this door at least?" she asked. 

"Oh right. Wait," Chirag said and cut the call. She heard some noise again followed by the sound of footsteps and the next moment, door flung wide open with Chirag standing in his messy hairs and nightclothes. 

Ahana shook her head in disappointment and moved inside when Chirag gave her space to enter and closed the door behind.

"You knew and you still let them go?" she asked still being annoyed. She wouldn't have let Aayrah go on her own to this place which was new to them. She felt responsible for her younger sister.

"Woah! Calm the fuck down, lady," Chirag said chuckling a little and got seated on his bed, "They aren't my kids for me to stop them." he said further and took the water bottle in his hand.

"We are here on a trip together," Ahana said making her voice a little louder and looking at Chirag with irritation. 

"That barely matters," Chirag shrugged not knowing what was making Ahana so much frustrated.

"How doesn't it matter? We need to stick together," Ahana said and folded her arms over her chest while resting her back on a table close to the wall.

"Says who?" Chirag asked with a chuckle. "Let them be," he said further. Ahana gave him a glare but that didn't bother him as he opened the tap of the bottle and gulped water. Ahana looked at him with frustration.

"Why are you acting like a mom?" he asked when he was done drinking the water.

"We could have gone together?" Ahana said still being insistent. Chirag sighed.

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