c h a p t e r - n i n e t e e n

365 38 88

Day - 14

Shimla had Kufri which was a nearby spot, well known for its sports activities and loved as a tourist spot but our quadrat decided to go for a short trek which will last for a day instead and later on will use the next day to roam around the market place and see the church and other local places in Shimla than go for sports yet again, the thing which they already tried in Manali. Aayrah and Ahana packed their backpack and took plenty of water and some snacks with them. They both were settled in comfortable track pants and T-shirts along with jackets and shoes. Aayrah tucked her hair in a high ponytail while Ahana tied her hair into a high bun and they were ready to go.

Chirag and Shivansh were already standing near their parked car when the two girls came down. The four of them already had breakfasts before they got ready so they will be directly proceeding towards the trek now. Chirag and Shivansh smiled at them while Shivansh's gaze lingered on Aayrah's face for a little longer. He was just assuring if she was fine. Aayrah looked at him with a questioning face and got what he was trying to ask. She smiled and assured him with eyes that she was fine. Shivansh smiled and looked beside at Chirag and Ahana who were in some serious discussion.

"So we are going to Shali Tibba or Hatu Peak?" Aayrah asked excitedly. They were stuck in two places while discussing the places yesterday. Chirag suggested to minus down Kufri and go for some one day trek instead. They searched on the internet and found a few nearby treks which would be done in just one day. All of them were good but Aayrah chose these two and gave a others chance to choose from them. Both treks were moderate which was different to the rest of the treks which were easier to climb and that's when the others knew why she chose specifically those two but no one complained.

"Ahana and I have decided for Shali Tibba as it's kind of underrated and hasn't discovered much yet. Besides, it gives you a 360 degrees view of Shimla. While Hatu Peak is good too but it's a very short trek and has been climbed by many. So we should try out something which is rare, no?" Chirag said and looked proud of his research as Aayrah gave him an impressive smile.

"Clever," she said clapping her hands together with an impressive smile as she spoke again, "You did the whole research, bro." Chirag frowned hearing her.

"I am not your bro," He said with slight irritation as Aayrah started to laugh.

"Then be one," she said making Chirag deepen his frown. Aayrah looked at Ahana suddenly with a sudden realization about her sister's crush on Chirag.

"Just mine. Not hers," Aayrah said with a playful smile. Ahana gave her a glare.

"Aaru," she said sternly but Aayrah started laughing again. Shivansh had a small smile knowing about Ahana's crush on his hopeless friend.

"Let's go," Aayrah said holding Ahana's hand and pulling her along but stopped abruptly to look at Shivansh, "What about you, Egghead? Sorry, I forgot to ask you." She said with a smile. Shivansh opened his mouth to speak but Chirag beat him to it.

"He will go wherever you go. Right, Eg... Sorry, I am not allowed to say that," he said and started laughing. Shivansh gave him an irritated look which he shrugged off.

"Right, Shiv?" he asked getting all dramatic. Ahana contained her laugh while Aayrah shook her head in disappointment. Shivansh jerked Chirag off and started walking away.

"Shut up, dickhead," Shivansh said with annoyance and looked at Ahana and Aayrah as he said, "Let's go."

Aayrah nodded and followed him happily while showing hes middle finger to Chirag. He in return gave her a flying kiss. Ahana just shook her head with a smile and followed the people down the hill.

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