Graduation, Summer, Kindergarten

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Graduation was absolutely amazing, I graduated with Rose and Emmett and after the ceremony Rose and Emmett went to Africa, I spent like a month hanging with Bella and Charlie and then Carlisle took Dominic and I traveling, we went to Paris, London, Ireland, Germany, Thailand, Africa, and Spain. Everywhere we went was so beautiful, and Dominic loves to travel, he is gonna be five in 6 months and I am so sad because he is starting kindergarten this year. 

He is exited to start school and I am terrified of being away from him so long, I mean he has been with me for four years.  I sighed as we landed in Forks Dom was in his stroller which we bought because all that traveling I wanted him close. Carlisle was pushing him and said "what's wrong?" I said "I'm sad its over, this summer is one I will never forget." Carlisle said "we could do this every summer if you want" I smiled at him and said "sounds like a plan" I kissed him and took the stroller as he grabbed all of our luggage and we went to his car which is in permeant parking. 

I buckled Dom in as Carlisle took care of the luggage, then he drove to his house. Once we got there I let Dom out who ran to the door opening it up and I smiled following him as he ran to hug everyone in the house and chatting to everyone about our trip and his favorite thing, which btw was seeing the lions in Africa. Emmett went out to help with the luggage and I said "hey Dom slow down" he made that moment to trip and fall on his ass which made him laugh at himself. I giggled at my silly boy, everyone hugged me and Bella said "so how was it?" I said "honestly? Magical. I loved every second I spent with Carlisle and Dom, it was like a fairytale, I even met some of his friends like Garrett though he is a weird one" Emmett said "yeah he is weird but fun" 

I said "Garrett loved Dominic though, those two spent like a whole weekend together. They played games and talked and played in the water they are best friends." Bella said "so which was your favorite place to visit, I mean Dom obviously loved Africa as he keeps talking about Lions" I said "yeah he is in love with Lions right now, wasn't too happy when his daddy told him he eats lions. But I think my favorite place was Barcelona there is so much music and culture there is was breathtaking." Carlisle said "yeah Dom asked what people eat I said that I prefer eating lions. Turns out according to Dominic Lions are friends not food" 

Bella laughed and said "remind you of anything?" I said "what me or finding Nemo?" she said "you though that counts too" Rose said "what are you talking about?" I said "in finding Nemo Sharks have a saying that fish are friends, not food. When I was little it was deer that were friends and not food, because of Bambi" Bella said "well this was fun but I have to get home, I got school tomorrow" 

I hugged her and Edward took her home, I went to the kitchen to fix Dom some dinner. Carlisle came in and grabbed my hips pulling me to him and said "I have to go to work, you gonna be ok?" I said "yep I'm gonna feed him dinner then take him to get school supplies and clothes for tomorrow." he smiled at me and gave me a chaste kiss before he left for work. 

I made him Mac and cheese and after he ate I packed him up into the car and drove to the mall, We got him his school supplies a lion king backpack and some clothes for school. I sighed and took him home to my dads and bathed him before putting him to bed and laying down myself. 

The month of August was boring I was working full time and saving up money since Carlisle never let me pay for anything, If Carlisle worked nights I stayed at Charlie's if he was home at night I stayed with him. We took turns taking him to school and he loves it. 

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