Chapter 4 (Jangras POV) Nothing Will Ever Change

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There was a hole, not just in the heart of mine. I looked at my friend Kip, he had his head down at the ground. I could see the pain on his face. I knew that nothing would ever be the same. It was not just him, not just I, everyone in the tribe was hurting right now.
There was nothing I could say to my friend to make him feel any better. I just moved myself closer to him, feeling the warmth of his thick skin against mine. That was all I could do, and it did not seem to do very much. I noticed he relaxed a bit more, at least that was one way of helping him.
I knew what was on his mind. He had lost his parents, and he had lost his sister in the battle... We had lost at least 300 dragons in that battle, the attack had been unexpected... Someone had betrayed us, and everyone wanted to point blames at Yikla due to the fact that she had gone missing.
I was still not so sure if that were true or not however. I think the might have caught her, and she might have had to tell them the secrets for fear of her life. I bet they had been scouting us for quite some time as well, without any of us noticing.
I was in love with Yikla though, and that was the main reason that I did not want to believe what everyone had said about her. Kota and Kip knew it, and I knew that Kip was angry about it. Kip had not trusted her from the start, she was a black dragon, no one had ever trusted her.
My father, Himla, no longer trusted her any more. He too believed the theory that the rest of the tribe believed. He had been in pain ever since my brother had been killed, I had noticed it. He was not the same anymore, he no longer had meetings, Socra was practically the leader of the tribe.
I was almost to the point where I was deputy. When we did have meetings, I had my head held up high, and my father just had his head down at the ground. When he did speak, it was short and simple words. He was not fit to be leader any more, and I hated to say it.
My mother, she was staying strong, taking care of my sister. My sister was nearly blind, she had told me that every thing that she saw was all so blurry to her. My sister could not hunt or do very much any more. I felt bad for her, she too had fallen in a deep state of dark depression. It was not for the loss of my brother for her however.
My mother was teaching my sister how to do things, now that it was hard for her to see. My sister got so agitated because she knew how strong she was before all of this had happened. It was all gone for her now, some days she did not even come out of the big cave that we had been living in.
We were no longer at our old place, there was too much of a risk of us being there. The black dragons had called war on all of us. They had called war on humans as well, they were trying to extinguish both of our species. I wish we could contact the humans and let them know we were on their side.
Every tribe had to go on the run, 1 tribe had just gone completely missing. We did not know if that was because they were just trying to hide completely, or if they had all been killed. The red dragons had done work on us, they had killed a lot more of us than we had killed of them.
I looked around in the dark cave, seeing a bunch of other dragons all around me. It was late at night, and I could see that all of them were asleep. Even Kip, even though I knew that he had been having a lot of trouble sleeping after he had lost his family.
I was not tired at all, I had slept during the day a lot lately. Socra had been making me work harder than ever, now that my father was basically pointless. She did not say anything about it, but I could see the pain in her face, seeing that her best friend was in a lot of pain like that.
She had already lost her family, her son in the last war, and her husband when he had fought my father in a fight over leadership. My father was not the leader any more. Socra was, when we had the rare meetings, it was usually Socra that called them.
My father said nothing, it was always Socra that spoke, and sometimes I would add in some words as well. My father hardly talked any more, and when he did speak, it usually came out in mean words. He never had any thing good to say about the tribe.
I did not know whether I should feel bad for him, or be upset with him. He was the leader after all, he needed to get over it now. He needed to lead his tribe... I knew why he was like that... He felt like he had let down his tribe and that he had failed us.
It was not true at all, we would all be dead if he had failed us. He had done the best that he could have possibly done. He did not expect there to be that many dragons, nor did he believe that all of this was quite true. Even I had my doubts a lot of the time.
I got up from where I was sitting with Kip. I could not lay my head down to get some rest, so I figured maybe I should just go outside in the chill air, and try to relax a bit. Try to get my mind off of all the thoughts that my head was drowning me in.
I began to walk across the bodies that were laying on the floor. That way I could get out of the cave, and rest myself. I nearly stepped on a few, but the bodies were all over the place so it was hard for me to grip control of where I was walking.
I eventually got past the last dragon, which was my father, and he was with Socra. I thought back on my mother randomly, as I turned my head to see if she was still okay with my sister further back in the cave. I nodded, happy that red dragons were lucky enough to be blessed the vision to see in the dark.
I was happy to see that my mother, who I thought would have been in the most pain after losing my brother, was thankfully okay. She was holding herself close to my sister, and I did not blame her, my sister was just about all that she had left.
I looked back and saw Pinta near them, and I shivered, I knew that she would not try to attack them, but I still did not like her after the way that she had treated me those days. She had been shying away from me ever since then, and I was not hurt about it, like I would have been if she had not hurt me the way that she had already done.
I shook my head once again, and then turned my head back over to where Socra was sitting with beside my father. I could tell that Socra was not asleep, though she was pretending to be. I could tell by the way her body was breathing.
Her body was not breathing the way a normal dragon did when they were asleep. I walked past her, digging my hand in the soil beside her to see if I could get her attention. I then walked past her, to get out of the cave, turning my head back over to her to see if she had noticed that I was trying to get her attention.
She just sat there still, trying to pretend like she was asleep. I knew she had heard it, she just felt like ignoring me for some reason right now. I closed my eyes for a few moments, she was probably tired of being around me at this point.
She had done her best to mentor me, but with my head down at the ground for every day. It was kind of hard for her. She was probably getting a bit sick of it. I knew she had taught me a lot, but at a lot slower of a pace as the deputy was supposed to mentor someone.
I knew she could smell my breath, she did not want to talk to me right now. I shook my head as I kept on walking out of the cave. I looked around and saw a dragon guarding the cave, he looked at me, noticing the son of the leader walk past him.
He did not nod to me, like a dragon normally would when they saw the son of the leader walk past them. I knew why as well... A lot of the dragons in the tribe were not happy with my father at the moment. A lot of them blamed him for not doing a better job at planning to protect the tribe from the attack.
I shook my head, as I walked past the dragon. It almost seemed like he was going to attack me, which would not be a very smart play for him. I was nearly fully grown for one, and I was by far the best warrior in the tribe if you did not count Himla or Socra.
I kept on walking, as I could feel the heat of that dragon staring me down, as I walked out of our camp. I shivered, and just kept moving, looking for a place to rest myself, and help clear my thoughts. There were not many place for that around here.
I stopped myself, as I heard someone talking from nearby me. I did my best to listen in on what it was that the dragon was saying. I realized that it was 2 dragons speaking to each other right away. I could hear the voice of one of the dragons, and I realized that it was Kota.
He was talking to someone else, but I was more listening to what it was that he had just said. I wish I could say that I wad upset at him for saying in the way he did as well. But there was a part of me that knew what he was saying was true as well.
"Himla is weak right now... The tribe is falling to pieces... And nothing will ever change..."

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