Chapter 31 (Josephs POV) Eat Up!

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I looked at Uncle for a bit longer, as his face looked a bit less grim as I had just said what must be said to him. I then realized what I had heard come from the other room that the others had gone in just a few seconds ago. I turned my head over to the room, as it was starting to get dark outside, but luckily enough for us there were candles aplenty around the house.
It was a nice house indeed, as I looked around seeing a few paintings here and there as they were sprawled out across the walls. I relaxed myself for just a few moments, until I saw Uncle pass by me to head into the other room with the rest of the others.
I was about to follow him into the other room when I heard footsteps walk down the stairs, and what I had to assume was Julia as well. I saw her legs, and her thighs, and I knew it was her before I even saw her face, as she had the best thighs in the world.
It lit up my face, as it hit me at the same time, that me and her were back together, and that she was still alive too. I could not forget my sister Mariah, as I loved her too, we had gone through many hardships together in our life, and I loved her as well.
I saw Julia look at me, noticing that I was still in the small little hallway that was at the front door, she looked at me a bit confused, but she did grin back at me none the less. She then turned her head to the other room, where the rest of our group was at, and she nodded for me to follow her in there.
I then began walking with her into the other room, as she slowed down her step as well, so that she could hold hands with me. I knew why as well, as she was worried about losing me again. It made me feel so much better, just to know that there was still someone that did care about me.
I gave her a quick little kiss, which I could tell really lit up a spark on her face at the same time too. We then walked into a quite large living room, where all of them were at a large table, where there was a lot of food for all of us as well.
A little bit too much as well, as for some reason, as I was not as trusting as I used to be, a got a bit of a strange feeling about this. I let go of the hand of Julia as I then looked at the husband, as he was looking at the table with a perfectly normal smile on his face.
Sure, more than likely, there was nothing out of the ordinary that was going on right now, but I still did not feel good at the moment. It just did not make sense why there would be so much food at our disposal. It was almost as if they knew that we were coming this exact day.
I saw that Julia was looking at me with a bit of a confused look on her face at the moment, as she clearly had no clue what might be running through my head at the moment. I kept my eyes on the man however, as I finally decided that I was going to step up and speak for the others to hear.
"Why is there so much food here? It is as if you knew that we were coming..." I said to the man. The man looked at me a bit confused for a few moments, and then he grinned at me, as if he understood what was going on in my head at the moment.
I was not sure if it was an evil grin or not, it did not look like it was one, and why would they have waited this long for this? They could have killed Julia and my sister at this point. I knew for a fact that I trusted the both of them, as I shook my head, wondering why I was acting like this.
I then saw the man nod to me, as if he understood where I was coming from in all of this. It seemed to ease the tension that was boiling up on me, but I still was not sure if I was ready to trust him or not just quite yet, as he then spoke to me, noticing that I still had that same look on my face.
"We knew that you guys were coming very soon... It never hurts to have too much extra food either, it means that there is less that we have to cook." He said back to me. I looked at him for a few moments, as it seemed as what he had said had made a fair amount of sense.
I still was not just ready to walk in and have a nice meal with the rest of them, as I knew what John had said to me not too long ago, which had a lot to deal with the death of my uncle as well. Some humans you could not trust, and it was never too safe to not turn a blind eye on someone.
I sat there for a bit longer, as it seemed as though I was lost in thought. I knew that all of them were looking at me at the moment, as I was just staring at the ground. It seemed as though a lot of them had given up on my response as they then looked back over at the table full of food.
John was still looking at me though, as I could see him from the corner of my eyes, that he had his eyes squinted at me at the moment. I looked up at him a bit confused, as people were talking to each other in the room, and he stepped up and spoke to me.
"I know what I told you Joseph... But you can trust this man, you have my word on it... Do you think we took you all this way just to kill you now? I could have done that long ago." He said to me with a weird grin on his face as well.
I did not like the smile that he had, as I knew what he had said made perfect sense, but I just did not like the way that he had said it to me. I shook my head though, as I tried to shake it off, as I heard the room get back into their same conversations, including John on that too.
I then felt someones hand grab onto my shoulder, as I quickly turned my head to them, nearly ready to swing at them, until I realized that it was just Julia. She had a bit of a concerned look on her face, as she tried to smile to make me feel better, then she spoke to me.
"It is okay Joseph, I know it is hard for you, but we have got this... We are together again, and things will end up alright, you keep that on your mind and it will be." She said to me. I looked at her for a few moments, and then I smiled back at her.
I knew that she was one person that I could trust for sure, as I then put my hand back onto hers, as she then walked with me over to the table with the others. Once we were there, I was about to grab a piece of food, until Julia slapped my hand which actually hurt a fair bit.
I looked at her, a bit confused as to what was going on in the first place. I then saw her shake her head at me, as she then nodded that same head to the others that were in the room with us. I then realized what was going on at the moment, as I saw that they all had their eyes closed, and their heads to the ground.
I must have missed that when I had been talking with Julia. I lowered my head to the ground at the same time, out of respect for the family that was letting us stay on our land as well. I then heard the husband speak up for all of the others once again.
"Joseph... Since you are the reason that we are all here together tonight, would you please like to say the blessing on our food?" He said to me. I looked up at him, a bit surprised that I was having to step up like this so soon, as I realized that they all still had their heads to the ground, and they could not see me.
I shook my head at the same time too, as I knew that I was going to have to get used to all of this very soon, as I was destined to be the leader of the legion very soon as well. I then closed my eyes, and I spoke up loudly for everyone in the room to hear.
"Yes..." I said at first, just to let him know that I was willing to say the prayer. I then continued on with where I had left off. "Dear our heavenly father, we bless the for this food, and this wine that thow hast given us... We pray that it will restore us, and it will make us strong for what is coming up next for all of us."
I then stopped, as I was not sure what to say next, as I was not even quite sure what was going to happen next for all of us in the first place. I was about to open my eyes, and give my mind some time to speak, but I shook my head, as I knew that would ruin the prayer.
I sat there for a bit longer, as I could just get the feeling in the room that all of them were getting a bit antsy, as they wanted me to keep going on with the prayer. I tried my best to think about what I was going to say next, and then it hit me at the same time. I then kept on with where I had left off in the blessing.
"Lord, we pray that we will make it through these struggling times, and that we will win... We have to, as this is not the end for us..." I said, it seemed to make the people in the room feel just a bit better, as I heard a few grunts. I then finished off the prayer. "We say these things in the name of our saviour, Amen!"
I then opened my eyes, as I saw that the rest of the people in the room with me had done the same. We all sat there for just a few moments, as no one made the first move to get some of the food that looked so much better than the food that we had been eating for the last year as well.
That probably had a lot to do with it too, as it did not seem real for all of us clearly. For the others, they had some good food in the last year, but they were probably waiting for us to go ahead and eat, as it was a normal courtesy for guests that came to your house.
I looked around, as I saw the rest of us were doing the same as well. I saw John roll his eyes at me, as he went ahead and made the first move to get some food, as he got some green bean casserole, and some chicken legs. The husband noticed that still none of us had gone to get the first bites, as he then spoke up to all of us.
"Alright guys... I get that it is different than what you are used to eating, but get used to it... We've got a huge farm, so eat up!"

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