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What if you are submitted to please someone as soon as you are born? what kind of life do you think you would have? For every decision that you take has to be agreed upon by the one you are serving, will you be able to live a life that is not actually yours? Thats the kind of life Angela Amour lived till the age of 20!

Angela was the 2nd child of Victor and Haylee Amour, also the most beautiful daughter of the pair. They were a performing family deeply involved in Ballet and Drama. Since childhood Angela, because of her sweet looks, and amazing ballet skills had many suitors, but to the misery of all men around her, since birth, she was submitted to serve Jesus. He was going to be the only male in her life with whom she could get romantically involved, no one else. So since a very early age, Angela would visit just 2 places other than her home, one her practice studio, where she practiced to become the prima ballet with the rest of her father's artists and the 2nd place being the church, where she got her private schooling done, also learnt carols and dances to please her beloved Jesus, and further helped the sisters and nuns to clean the place. 

Till 15 yrs of age, Angela's family made sure that she stayed a pure heart virgin, thus she wasn't allowed to read any books that dealt with any sort of physical contact, nor was she allowed to watch any shows that had such scenes, but for how long can you hide human nature from a human? Though mr. Victor was quite strict about his no dating rule among his artists, but who has the power to stop love from blooming? During one of her practice sessions, the young girl stumbled upon a couple making out in a store room of her studio, it was a very new sight for her, it garnered her curiosity to a really great extent, to the point that there was no turning back now!

She tried asking about the scene she discovered to her mother, but couldn't, thus she went for her second alternative, a young nun in the church, that young girl explained everything she could to our little angela, but when is just theory enough? to try things out practically, the 15 yrs old angela, pleaded her father to let her go for one of the shows with other artists, as their background dancer, in California. Seeing the young child plead so much, mr victor gave in and thus Angela was set to experience the first ever physical act of her life, on the way, she found many suitors, but none of them pleased angela enough to sleep with, at last in a low key cafe Angela caught the eyes of Peter, a local play boy of the area, a smooth talker and really good looking. Angela didn't actually mind leaving with him for his room, but as soon as they reached the room, peter held her face to kiss her lips, excitedly angela closed her eyes, and all she could see after closing her eyes was jesus! She felt really terrible at the moment, thinking as if she was cheating on the love of her life with some creep, so much so that as soon as peter came close enough to kiss her lips, angela pushed him away and ran back to the motel she was staying at for the performance in California. On returning to Newyork, angela understood, that she was in complete love with her god, and that no other man could be there in her life except him, thus she focused only and only on improving her ballet skills to become the Prima Ballet of her father's troop, and at the age 19 became one! She was fondly called God's ballerina, as the way she danced felt like she was summoning the angels and gods from the heaven to come down on the earth and dance with her! Around the age of 20 she became a star prima ballet, popular in almost whole of the American continent, with people loving her stage show called God's Ballet.

Be it on the stage or in her practice studio, Angela danced just to please Jeasus! for her he was her past, present and surely her only future, but who knew there was an all together different future and a different man waiting to love her more than anyone could!!!!!!!!

Love vida!!!!!

hey lively ones!!!

i hope you see the amount of love and dedication angela had for her jesus! lets see how the chilled and life enjoying vicky was able to woo such a girl away in our further chapters!! till then bbye! love you all!!!!!!! 

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