Chapter Thirty-Two: Alex

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Quick note for the innocent eyes that skipped the last chapter, the mates have completed the mate bond.

Alex woke up the next morning feeling warm and comfy. She was sandwiched between her mates; she was laying down on her back with each of her mates curled into each of her sides. Suddenly, the call of nature made itself known so she gently maneuvered out of their grasps. On the way into the bathroom, Alex grabbed her bag. After taking care of her business, Alex stared into her reflection. On the right side of her neck, just above her collarbone was a tattoo. It showed three wolves howling at a full moon. It was in vivid detail. One of the wolves a deep midnight black, one was a dark forest brown, and the last was snow white. Alex could see inside of the moon, a small regal crown.

"We mated mates!" Xandara exclaimed happily. "We have mates!" Alex chuckled softly at her wolf's excitement before wincing slightly. She had a headache building up her head.

Deciding that a shower would probably help, she unbuttoned the shirt which she had kept on last night. Tossing it on the bathroom counter along with her undershirt and sports bra following suit, she turned on the water. After it got to a comfortable temperature, Alex stepped in and felt the hot water, cleansing her worries away.

"Alex," Xandara suddenly spoke softly, "could you ask mates if we can go for a run today?" Alex could feel her wolf's nervousness. They've never gone on a run with other werewolves before. Xandara was anxious about how her request would be received.

After her shower, Alex got dressed in her spare clothes that she brought. A grey Gryffindor Quidditch t-shirt, and a pair of black jeans. Leaving the bathroom, Alex was surprised to see both of her mates were awake. She could also see that mate mark on each of their necks were now fully colored and vivid as well. Depicting the same image as her own.

Dana pouted, "why didn't you wake us up? We would've loved to have joined you." Alex blushed and could feel her dick hardening slightly at the thought. It also didn't help that both of her mates were still naked from last night.

"Oh! I, uh, I, um," Alex stammered before Dana smiled.

"Relax. We're just teasing you."

"Though Dana and I are going to take a shower now..." Reina said grinning with teasing cruelty at Alex as she took Dana's hand and led into the bathroom. Slamming the door firmly shut. Chuckling softly, Alex sat down on the bed and tossed her final present to her mates on the bed. The small box of rubber ducks that she bought at the pharmacy. Then she pulled out her phone and checked out her notifications. The only one of note was a message from Jason.

"Family meeting when Moms get back."

"Is it about your date with Nick?" Alex sent back curious if Nick had finally told Jason about werewolves.

Just after she sent the text, a sharp shooting pain stabbed through her head. Groaning, Alex placed her head in her hands. Suddenly, she heard a jumble of different voices clamoring in her mind.

"Alex. Alex! What's wrong?" Reina's voice sounded very far away.

"Voices. Hurts," Alex managed to groan out.

"Oh, I didn't even think," Reina muttered. "Mating with us has made you a member of the royal pack. You're now a part of the pack link...Ok. Alex you need to focus. Focus on my voice. Picture a wall around your mind. Only the thoughts that you want to enter your mind, will."

Alex did as Reina requested closing off her mind. "Ok," she breathed out.

"I'm actually surprised it took you so long to experience the pack link," Dana said sitting down next to Alex and placing a hand on her shoulders.

"I've had some experience blocking my mind from telepathy. I guess I just did it subconsciously until it grew to be too strong" Alex answered before continuing in a soft voice, " this means I'm a member on the Royal Pack?"

"Yes. You are the Warrior Princess of the Royal Triumvirate," Reina said.

Alex laid back, "Fuck. ...Well, if you had told me three months ago that I'm a member of the Royal Triumvirate, I would've given you directions to the local loony bin." She sighed softly. Her mates could feel her worry. Thanks to the now fully strengthened Mate Bond.

"Are you ok?" Dana asked softly.

"Yeah. Just wasn't expecting that this is how my life would turn out. I just came to apologize last night..."

Reina lifted a skeptical eyebrow, "then why'd you bring condoms and lube?"

Alex blushed, "vague hope? Or maybe it was just the horniness from heat making some of my decisions. And, also, Dana texted me." She glanced at her mates wearing only towels and her blush deepening slightly as she felt a tightening her underwear.

"I did?" Dana said looking surprised and grabbing her phone. "Oh, I did!"

"You don't have to be embarrassed around us," Reina murmured leaning into kiss Alex's lips. Alex could feel the shampoo in her hair.

"Alex, ask mates!" Xandara suddenly spoke up but before Alex could reply a new voice spoke.

"Ask us what, beloved?" the voice that was definitely female and which had a deep musical quality to it. Xandara yelped slightly at the sudden intrusion.

"Who the heck?"

"My name's Dido, my beloved Xandara. I'm Reina's wolf."

Alex glanced at Reina, who appeared to be following the conversation. As also did Dana.

"I thought I blocked out outside voices," Alex said.

Dana shrugged and answered, "wolves follow different rules when it comes to their mates. They often talk to each other without our input. Just be thankful Dido is allowing us to be included in this conversation."

"Yes," Dido responded. "Now Xandara what did you want to ask us?"

Alex could feel Xandara nervously pacing in her mind, Alex couldn't remember the last time she felt Xandara so nervous. She would've laugh at her wolf, if she wasn't just as eager and nervous to hear their mate's answer.

"Well, I was wondering, if maybe, possibly, we could go for a run? As mates? We've...I've never...ran with other wolves before. Um, at least not for fun..." Xandara stammered.

Another new voice answered. It was light and airy with a posh English accent. "Hello, my mate. I am Avalon, Dana's wolf. We would love to run with you."

"Yes," Dido growled in agreement. Their humans nodded along as well.

Suddenly, Dana's stomach growled loudly. She blushed slightly. "Sorry, I haven't eaten in a while. The heat made it hard to hold any food down."

Alex smiled at her, "I'm hungry too. Maybe we could go for that run after breakfast?"

Reina nodded affirmatively, "let's go eat breakfast."

"Maybe after you finish your shower," Alex suggested softly. 

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