Chapter Forty: Alex

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After spending a couple hours playing tag again, this time with four wolves and Jason as the lone human, they returned to the pack house. After Jason learned, to his horror, that his foster sister had never fully watched "Avatar: The Last Airbender", they started season two of the show. They were in a large living room on the first floor of the Royal mansion. Alex and her mates were seated on a large couch while Jason and Nick were snuggling on loveseat.

"Toph is the best character," Dana declared as they started "The Blind Bandit". When Jason opened his mouth Dana continued with, "and no I am not accepting criticisms at this time."

Jason shrugged and said, "but season three Zuko..."

"Spoilers," Alex snapped playfully at her foster brother. About twenty minutes later Alex said, "Ok. Toph is great."

Dana grinned widely and kissed her mate, "that's right."

Suddenly there was a knock behind them, and new voice spoke up causing Reina to pause the TV. "Hey guys, what are you doing?" Lara was standing in the entryway of the room.

"Hey, Mom," Reina greeted. "We were just watching some TV."

Meanwhile, Nick scrambled to his feet and bowed to the queen. "Queen Lara! I would like to present to you my mate, Jason Stonewall-Smith." Jason quickly followed his mate's example to Lara's laughter.

"Nick, since when do you bow to me? Please you guys don't have to do that. And Jason please call me Lara. Oh! I came in here to ask what time we should be expecting your parents, Jason?"

"Uh, like around 5ish?" Jason said checking his phone. "Yeah about 5. They were going to stop by the house and get changed and take a shower."

"Perfect," Lara grinned clapping her hands together. "And any allergies to worry about?"

Jason glanced at Alex who shrugged and shook her head 'no'. "Um, no. Bridgit refuses to eat fish but that's it."

"Excellent! I'll let Sally know," with that Lara bid them a goodbye and left the room. Nick flopped back down on the sofa with soft relived sigh. There was a brief pause before Jason, who remained standing, spoke again.

"So, was that one of the queens?"

"Yeah," Reina nodded. "She's the current Omega Queen."

"So," Jason frowned thoughtfully. "Does that mean that you," he pointed to Dana, "will eventually replace her?"

"Yeah," Dana said smiling. "When the current queens decide to retire then the three of us will take over the throne."

"Generally, that happens when the Alpha Princess turns twenty-one," Nick added. Jason nodded thoughtfully before pointing to Reina.

"And that's you?" At Reina's nod, he continued by turning to his boyfriend. "Babe, what again does that make you?"

"I'm Reina's beta. Her right-hand man if you will. My job is will basically just be helping her with the day to day stuff administrative stuff. All of the bureaucracy BS."

"And Alex what will you be doing?" Jason asked turning to his foster sister. Alex's eye widened slightly. She hadn't really thought about and suddenly realized that she didn't know what the duties of the Warrior Princess entailed.

"Ummm," Alex tried to come up with an explanation. Jason just lifted an eyebrow at her.

"You don't know?" He said in disbelief.

"Hey don't blame me. I didn't grow up in a pack. Everything I knew about other werewolves came from a witch."

"Are saying 'witch'" he made air quotes, "to avoid saying the other word that rhymes with it?" Jason asked.

"No," Alex said shaking her head. "I mean an actual flesh and blood witch. Though the other word would not be an inaccurate word for her."

"Wait. Witches are real?"

"Is Hog..."

"No. That is not a real place," Reina interrupted.

"But witches themselves are real. My best friend Celestine is one." Dana said.

"Are all supernatural creatures real?" Jason asked with wide eyes.

Alex nodded, "just about."


"Yup, no sparkles though."

"What about angels and demons?"

Nick decided to answer that one, "they're real but they most deal with their own shit and don't really bother with anyone else."


"Sometimes. They're a bit wonky though. They mostly just like messing with people." Dana answered that one with a shrug.


"Yeah, but they mostly exist in their own world. Otherwise, they're just a pain in the ass," Reina said. "Most fairy tale creatures live their own fairy tale world. Giants, goblins, fae, and elves don't ever really want anything to do with this world."

"What about dragons?" Jason asked wide eyed.

"They're real but rare," Alex said.

"You would know," Dana teased, and Alex just chuckled softly. At Jason's blank look she explained.

"I was taught how to fight by a dragon. He could take the form of a human. Most dragons don't bother and just stay hidden or in fairy tale land. Well I should say most western dragons do that. Eastern dragons like following their own rules. Like my former teacher. He decided to leave Japan and opened up his own dojo in the States."

Jason's eyes were wide, and he slowly sat down next to his mate and spoke softly. "I honestly can't believe that supernatural creatures exist. I mean I'm mated to a werewolf. My foster sister is a werewolf princess. How did my life turn out so...awesome!" He yelled the last word causing everyone around him to jump in surprise.

"Dude!" Alex muttered, "werewolves have sensitive hearing."

"Sorry," Jason apologized in a more normal tone. Suddenly his and Alex's phone's both beeped.

"My moms are home," Jason said. "They'll be here in a hour."

Dana grinned at Reina and Nick, "ready to meet the in-laws?"

"I get Nick but why Reina and I?" Alex asked confused.

"They're like your parents, too aren't they?" Dana asked softly.

"Yeah, I guess so..." Alex said thoughtfully.

"Sweet!" Dana grinned. "Time to meet the in-laws!"

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