Chapter Seven: Dana

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Present day

Dana woke slowly sensing tension from the mate by her side. Looking up she saw, Reina staring off into middle distance frowning.

"Rei," she murmured sitting up and leaning into her mate's side, "what's wrong?"

"Nothing...exactly. I-I was just thinking of the day we met," Reina said softly. Dana nodded softly remembering herself. Whilst they were packing up her belongings Reina had explained to Dana about the mystery of their final mate.

After returning and meeting with the Queens, Reina and Dana went to meet all of the other packs. It was tradition for the Alpha heir and their mates to go out tour all the packs. This time just had the added wrinkle of them trying to find their third mate blind. Every pack they asked about rogue or loner wolves in the area but still nothing in regards to a lead. It has been two years without their Warrior. Both of them could feel the emptiness of their missing mate deep inside them.

"We will find our mate," Dana declared softly. Pushing her calming aura out and snuggling into Reina before starting their day. After all it was their final year of High School and they were getting a new teacher tomorrow. Who knows what new opportunities would arise.

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