Cough Drop Anyone?

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Prompt - Does anyone have a cough drop?


Kai was not feeling well.

He had been woken up in the middle of the night by his coughing, and had been unable to get back to sleep all night. He left the room he was sharing with Skylor, both to allow her to sleep peacefully, as well as he didn't want to wake her up and suffer her wrath.

Therefore, when it came to 7am, he was not surprised to see the rest of the ninja getting ready for the day, with Nya and Jay going outside to train for a bit, and the rest going for some breakfast. It was almost like they didn't notice him, however his cough caught their attention.

Lloyd was the first to react, backing up and getting a shotgun from god knows where. "BACK UP CARRIER, WE DON'T WANT YOUR CORONAVIRUS TODAY!!!" He yelled out. Nya and Jay looked in for a second, before deciding they didn't want to take part in it, and continued training.

Kai quickly put his hands up, trying to defend himself. "It's nothing bad I swear, it's just a small cough!" Skylor came in and took the shotgun from Lloyd, who was sad that he still didn't have a use for it yet. Meanwhile Kai thought of something.

"Does anyone have a cough drop?" He asked. Everyone gave a dumbfounded look, except Skylor, who was already heading into the kitchen. She returned a minute later with a small red packet, in which she threw at Kai. He caught it easily.

He turned the bottle over to read "Halls Soothers." He quickly ripped open the top of the packet and grabbed one, popping it into his mouth. He looked at that packet.

"It's not doing anything!"

He yeeted the rest of them out of the window, knocking Jay out in the process. Nya took a second to look at what happened, and glared at Kai. He mouthed 'sorry' and rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly. Nya went to attend to Jay.

Kai looked back to see everyone else staring at him, looks of confusion surrounding him.


Skylor was first to speak.

"Kai, I love you, but you are an idiot sometimes." 

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