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Prompt - "Sorry!"


Cole was a simple man sometimes, with simple intentions.

His intention today? Go down to the bakery and get a cake. Or two, maybe three at the time. He would decide when he got there.

He decided to walk to the bakery today, both to stretch his legs, as well as to prove that he doesn't just eat cake all day and night. He was using it as an excuse to say that he has walked a long distance, even if his intentions were not the best.

He couldn't stop thinking about the types of cakes he could get there - red velvet cake, sponge cake, yellow butter cake, chocolate cake... Devil's Food Cak-


Next thing he knew, he was on the floor, a girl lying next to him, a pained expression on both of their faces,

Cole was the first to speak. "What just happened?" he asked her. She had the same puzzled expression on her face.

"I don't know, I was just walking, in my mind, then slam! I was on the ground." the girl spoke with a high level of enthusiasm in her voice. Cole then noticed her hair, which was pink, with a blue highlight in it. Cole felt as if this person was familiar, but couldn't put his finger on it. Cole got up and held out his hand for the girl, in which she accepted

"I was sorta... doing the same." He rubbed the back of his neck, embarrassed by the ordeal. They both realised that they were both daydreaming and crashed into each other.

"Sorry!" They both said simultaneously. The pair both looked away, embarrassed, however Cole thought he should start with introductions.

He held out his hand. "I'm Cole." He said simply. The girl shook his hand. "Seliel." For some reason he thought he recognized that name, but couldn't figure out why.

They stood awkwardly for about a minute, before Seliel chuckled.

"Alright, I'm going to go now. See you!" She hurried along, moving past him. Cole took a look behind him, and smiled. He had no idea of who she was, but he hoped he would see her again. But now, he had more important things to think of, like Cake. 

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