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Prompt - Some sort of pet


The rest of the team looked at Jay and Nya quizzingly, in which they were both holding chickens. They recognised Thunder in Jays arms, but they had no idea what the other chicken was.

"What's that Nya?" Kai asked. The two looked at each other, and let out a nervous chuckle between them.

Jay started. "So we knew the existence of electric chickens, right?" the others just nodded.

Nya then continued, "So we looked into the existence of other elemental chickens, and oh and behold." She held out her chicken proudly. "There was a water chicken!"

Jay took over, "So we decided to go and find Nya her own chicken, and we found one!"

"So we brought it back and now she's mine" Nya concluded, giving her chicken a squeeze. The chicken clucked happily. Jay looked at the chicken, then back at Nya.

"Have you decided on a name yet?" He asked. She looked down at it, and smiled.

"Aqua." She said. The chicken clucked happily, and jumped out of her grasp, and Thunder did the same. Both Thunder and Aqua went to each other, and stared. Then they started clucking at each other. The other ninja watched. Then they started chasing each other, playing.

"Aw look, they like each other." Nya cood. Jay smiled.

"Lightning, and water mixing. Now where have I heard that before?" He fake pondered. Nya let out a laugh.

"Oh shush you." is all she said before she brought him into a kiss.

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