Night-time Picnic

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Prompt - "The Stars are bright tonight."


Instead of telling Skylor where they were going, Kai decided to keep it a surprise. Their date night had been planned for days in advance, with Kai going to Jay for some advice.


Two days ago

Kai hesitated for a second, before knocking on Jay's door. He heard some ruffling around before Jay came to the door, looking tired, hair all messed up (Not that it wasn't normal for it to be like that). Nya would call it extremely cute. He was not Nya.

Jay seemed to wake up a bit more when he saw Kai

"You okay Kai?" Caring to the end, he was.

"I- I need some advice." Kai said. Jay said nothing, but let him inside. Jay made his way to the bed, and sat down on it, patting the side next to him. Kai took the indication and sat down.

"So what do you need help with?" Jay asked in his chipper voice.

"I need some advice on dates." Kai summarised.

Some of the chipper in Jay's voice was lost, but it was still there.

"What sort of advice?" He queried.

"I'm taking Skylor on a date on friday." Kai started, "But I have no idea where to take her!" He half shouted.

"Hey, calm down." Jay assured me. "I can help."

"But where shall I take her? What shall we do? How do you manage all this stuff with Nya?"

"Calm. Down." Jay held his shoulders.

"What do you want to accomplish on the date?" Jay asked.

"I just want to keep things simple for now." Kai replied.

"Then keep it simple. Maybe you don't need to go to a restaurant, or see a movie. Maybe all you need is to take her for a picnic?" Jay offered. Kai smiled.

"Your right! It would work! How do you come up with this sort of stuff?" He inquired.

"Experience." Is all Jay said.

Kai got up, and started heading to the door.

"Thanks Jay."

"No problem." he replied.

"Oh and Kai?" Kai stopped at the door, looking back.

"There are fireworks meant to be going off late near the New Ninjago City Park. You may want to keep that in mind."

"Will do. Thanks." Kai said as he left the room.


"Wow," Kai heard Skylor say, her eyes in awe.

"The stars are bright tonight" She continued. Kai gave a small laugh. He reminded himself to thank Jay later for the idea. But for now, his attention was going to be on his girlfriend.

"I know! This place is so quiet at the moment." Kai brought his basket down, and set the blanket out. He got Zane to help him make some food for the trip, and now he was pulling it out.

They ate in relative silence, passing some lines here and there to each other. After they finished eating, Skylor asked something.

"If this was for a picnic, then why didn't we come in the daytime?"

"You'll see in 3.. 2... 1..."

Just as he finished his sentence, fireworks started going off. They laid back, holding each other in their arms as they watched all the fireworks go off. It was a few minutes before they said something.

"Thanks for bringing me here." Skylor said, her voice soft.

"Don't mention it." Kai replied back. "I'm enjoying this too."

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