
231 9 4

Prompt - "Shut up."


They all knew Jay was a blabbermouth, especially in situations where they had to be quiet, like now. Jay and Nya were stuck in the enemy's base, and Jay was not helping in being quiet, instead he was being the polar opposite, panicking.

"But Nya, what happens if we don't get ou-" Jay started talking, but Nya interrupted him.

"Shut up." She hissed. Even though it sounded cruel, she was trying to not get caught. Jay could be worried later.

"But where are the others? They should have been here by now? Where are the-"

"Jay. Shut up!" She hissed louder through her teeth. Even though she loved him, he was being annoying right now.

"Hang on, I hear something!" One of the guards shouted out. Nya gulped. She would have to think fast if they were to get out of this.

"We're gonna die, we're gonna die, we're gonna d- mhmmmm." Nya started kissing Jay, keeping him quiet. Meanwhile Jay relaxed into the kiss, and started quieting down. The guard that heard them before heard nothing else, and left. Instead of pulling away however, Nya decided to deepen the kiss.

It was about three minutes before they broke away, Jay having a dreamy look, before shaking out of it.

"Was that to shut me up, or because you wanted to?" Jay asked, voice now notability quieter.

"Not going to lie, it was both." She smiled at him.

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