Roller-coasting around

221 11 3

Prompt - Favourite Quote


Well, here we are. I thought this day couldn't get worse, being coveted into a snake and all. But life seems to have another surprise for me.

I don't know how I am so unlucky sometimes, must be because I was born in a junkyard, but here we are, on a rollercoaster about to crash, and with Nya right next to me, both fearing for our lives.

But if I am to go out, I wouldn't mind this way.

There were a million things that were going through my mind. Will I ever be, or see the green ninja? What will happen to the prophecy. And more importantly, is this the end for the both of us?

The last bit held on more to me however, as I saw the both of us living a long and full life together, with nothing to hold us down. I guess that's not going to happen.

And the others ninja? Kai? Zane? Cole? Guess they are not going to help. I have no idea where they went.

Samurai X? Not possible. Especially since Nya just told me that she was Samurai X. I feel bad now for saying all the mean stuff about her, especially to her face in the restaurant. If I could go back in time, and not let those words out of my mouth. What's past is past I guess.

The worst bit is, I lied to her straight to my face, about getting my knot badge and more, and yet when I needed it, I had to come out with the truth. I don't think she trusts me anymore.

"Jay" I heard Nya start talking, her voice both full of calm and panic at the same time. I gave her my full attention.

""I want you to know that you don't have to wear cologne, or pretend to be anything that you are not." That caught me off guard. I thought she would look down on me, so I made stuff up to make it so I would be able to be with her..

"Because..... I like you best when you are you." and then she kissed my cheek. I couldn't believe it. Her! Liking me! Because of who I am! My heart started beating like mad, and a weird feeling came over me.

"Your face, you're returning back to normal" I heard her gasp.

"It's just like you said, you must have raised my heart rate."

This was all well and good, however we still had a big elephant in the room, and it would be in the shape of a burning ring of fire. And we were still barrelling towards it.

"Just remember..... You are the best you." Something inside me clicked. It's almost like I had been set free from boundaries I never knew were there. Something inside of me erupted, and then I found it. My true potential!

It was then a matter of doing a quick ol' teleport and slow the roller coaster down to a stop, and save Nya. Simple task compared to the others.

And years down the line, I still remember the incident, and how her words saved both our lives.

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