Thunder with no Lightning

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Prompt - Electric Chicken (Thunder)


Part two to (Car-Tastrophy)

It had been a few days since the accident, and Jay's memory had still not returned. Jay had basically been locked in his and Nya's room, and although he found out it was theirs, he still didn't sleep in the same bed as her, rather on the couch they had in the room. It hurt Nya a lot, but she understood.

Even though she understood however, didn't mean she wasn't prone to the effects. While Jay had not seen her, she had been crying her eyes out, and Lloyd was often there to console her. Jay's parents had also come to stay at the monastery for a while to help them deal with it, but also keep an eye on Jay. Everyone had a glum mood.

They thought they might be able to get help, from their resident therapist, in which he was to arrive today.

Nya was shaken out of her trance by the doorbell going off. She went to the door, and opened it to see James there.

"You called?" He asked, slightly cheery. He had no idea.

"Come in, it's about Jay." Nya said with a sullen voice. James picked up on it, and knew it was serious.

"Let's see then."

They both went to Nya and Jay's room, to find him watching the TV, interested in the show that was on. Nya saw it was Jay's old show, and looked at Jay himself. He probably won't recognise his old look.

"Look Nya, the person on TV has the same name as me! Coincidence, right?"

"Yeahhh... Coincidence." Nya said, trying not to sound suspicious. Jay bought it.

"Who is that with you?" he asked.

James came forward. "I am James, I am the team's therapist, and you.." he looked at Jay with a frown on his face, "... are in need of some help."

Nya, seeing the looks James gave him, left the room to allow James to do his magic.

It was almost a half hour before James came out of the room. The others had been waiting in the living room at that time. Nya leaned forward, eager for the results. James gave her a sad look.

"I've done my best, and I'm not sure what I can do at the moment. I can stay here for a while to get a deeper analysis over the coming days?"

Nya leaned back, tears threatening to fall from her eyes, but she kept them under control.

"That would be nice."


For the ninja, it was devastating, but for one little chicken, wandering around the monastery, trying to find his friend, he was confused.

Usually clucking loud would gain his Lightning friends attention. But to his avail, no lightning boy arrived. He was confused.

Thunder saw all the other ninja roaming around, and both Cole and Nya were being extra affectionate towards him. He had no idea why. But he was desperate to see the brown haired boy. Then Thunder had an idea. Maybe in his room?

Thunder ran down the corridors, ending his transit outside of the room he desired. He tried to open the door, but failed. He wasn't going to give up however.

Thunder ran to the living room, where most of them were. Nya tried to get Thunder to come into her arms, mainly because Nya had been using Thunder as a support pet for awhile, while still not telling him of Jay's fate. Instead of going to Nya however, Thunder jumped up onto the top shelves and ran into the ventilation. Nya picked up on it immediately.

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