Chapter 1

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I heard the dreadful sound of an alarm clock. I sat up and turned off my phone. I grabbed my glasses and put them on. I stood up and navigated my way through the pairs of shoes that were scattered across my bedroom floor and I walked into the bathroom. I really need to organize those. I turned on the shower and I used the time for the water to heat up to wash my face. After the shower was warm I got in, I never shower with my glasses on, they fog up and it only makes my vision worse.

After showering I moisturized and did all my other hygienic things. Today I was feeling fashionable so instead of putting on a black sweatshirt with black sweatpants and slides I put on a gray sweatshirt with gray sweatpants and slides. I walked over to my mirror and pulled my hair back into a bun. "Hurry up you'll miss the bus" I heard my brother say as he knocked on my door

"Alright" I went over to my bag and packed it. As I walked out of my room I glanced at the picture of my mother and father on my dresser. I sighed softly before heading to the kitchen.

I made myself a piece of toast and put some jelly on it before darting out of the door. I made it to my bus stop just in time to see the bus pulling around the corner. It stopped and I got on. I ate my toast and enjoyed the thirty minute ride to my private school. Once I got there I headed to my locker so I could put all my books there while I waited for my class to start. I am only required to take two classes because I passed almost all of the highest level courses that are required for graduation.

I went through all of high school with straight A's, I'm also on the track team, and in the yearbook club. The only reason I'm in those extracurricular activities is because I'm really hoping the college I want to go to will see that. I'm trying to get a full academic scholarship to Harvard University. My class starts right after lunch so I just help out in the library. I went to the library and Miss Ezra, the librarian immediately called me over. "Hey I have this cart of books I need you to put back then we need to talk" I nodded.

I took the carts and went through the library to put my books back "Lisa" I heard a whisper. I looked around until I saw Irene in between the books "Leave me alone" I whispered back as I slid the book in the slot, blocking her view of my face. I continued to put the books back when I heard her voice "Lisa we should talk" her voice was soft and calming but it still managed to make me uncomfortable "What about?" I asked without looking at her "You know... us" she said softly.

"There is no us, there was never an us, we were friends" she sighed and said "Right we were friends, friends and who went on dates, friends who cuddled, friends who kissed, friends who had sex, and as your friend I can say that your mouth was--" I turned to her and said "Yes all of those things, we had them all but you didn't want that friendship, you wanted the kicker on the football team and a spot on the cheer team so I don't know why you're here" I said bitterly
"Bab-...Lisa I came here to apologize" I just chuckled as I turned away from her "Lisa I'm being serious" she said as she grabbed my shoulder and jerked me around. I sighed and took off my glasses, I stared at her for a few seconds before putting them back on "That's crazy, even without my glasses I can see that you're full of shit" She sighed out of frustration "You see Irene, I almost believed you when you told me you loved me." I said pushing up my glasses.

"But it was all a sick joke, just like this apology. I bet you don't know what you're apologizing for. Could it be for breaking my heart, cheating on me, ignoring me, or just plain backstabbing" I said inching closer to her, she looked away and I said "It must've been so hard for you right, trying not to let me find out that you were screwing someone else" She still was looking away. I sighed and said "It doesn't matter" I turned back to the books and started putting them on the shelves.

"I really did love you Lisa but you have to understand that there's no place for a lesbian couple in this school and anyone would get scared if people started questioning them. I was scared and I made some bad choices and I'm sorry...but what we had was real" it wasn't painful to hear what she was saying but it was painful because I knew she was right. "Goodbye Irene" I heard her footsteps trail off, I just sighed and continued to put the books away.

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