Chapter 11

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I was reading a few books when someone sat across from me. I looked up to see a smirking Kai "I just wanted to congratulate you on your extremely short relationship" I looked down at my book and flipped the page

"Thank you, Jennie and I are still friends though" I said and he chuckled as he leaned in "Now that you're out of the picture she's already in my grasp" I closed my book and leaned in "Did you know she has trouble getting to the point of an orgasm?" He nodded

"Her doctor said that it's normal for some girls to be unable to orgasm" I put my book down and said "Well I bet you didn't know she was a squirter either then" he looked taken back and I said "I'm better than you limp dick" the bell rang. I grabbed my bag and left to class.


I was tying my shoe when Kai sat next to me "This practice is private, cheerleaders and football players only" I sighed. This guy literally never lets me mind my own business "I asked the coaches and they said it was ok for me to run a few laps. Calm down"

I walked over to the track and a lot of people were looking at me as I stretched. Probably to see how fast I could run. I got into my stance then I started running. I found a steady pace and I continued to run laps. I don't actually like to run but I like track because of the adrenaline. After twenty laps around the field I stopped and went to take a break. A lot of people were staring at me. I then noticed that my water bottle was filled with mud, must've been Kai.

I walked over to Jennie and said "Can I have some of your water please?" She nodded and I took a waterfall of her water bottle. I put it down and some of the girls walked over to me "You're really fast, do you run a lot?" I nodded and they started throwing questions at me. I've been hit on a lot since Jennie and I split

"So I was thinking we could get something to eat after this?" I was about to politely decline but Jennie walked over and they scattered "So scary" I said and she rolled her eyes

"whores" I laughed "Jealous much" she rolled her eyes

"You can run fast, so what. You know how many of us can run that fast" I grabbed her hand and started running "Lisa!" She yelled and I said "Keep up" there was no way she was keeping up with me. I picked her up and she said "You're so childish" I ran faster and said "No this is childish." I held her tightly with my right hand and did several one handed front handsprings. She buried her face into my shirt "Lisa please" I finished with a regular front flip and landed on my feet "Ok I'm done"

She glared at me and I pressed my forehead against hers "Forgive me please?" I said as I put her on the ground. She sighed and cupped my cheek "Asshole" I grinned and she walked off. I went over to my bag and my other clothes were gone. I officially was pissed off. I walked onto the football field and I saw my clothes ripped on the ground. I wasn't stressing over my clothes as much as my mother's necklace that was in the bottom of my bag. "Kai!" I yelled.

"Where's my necklace" he turned and he had this smug look on his face "I don't know" I was beyond pissed "Give me my mother's necklace and no one will get hurt" I said calmly and he smirked "Oh your moms necklace, is she hot?" the girls walked off and Jennie said "Just give her the necklace Kai" he sighed and took off his helmet" he dumped it out and the broken necklace

"Mom!" I screamed and Irene ran to me.

"That's the last thing I had! And he broke it" Irene pulled me away "Lisa let's go" I was hysterically crying "You're a monster!" I screamed before she dragged me off the field.


I haven't left my room in three days, I haven't eaten anything or slept. My door opened and Jennie walked in, she looked sad. She visits me everyday. I haven't said a word since the necklace incident. She sat next to me. "Hey Lisa" she grabbed my hand. I just stared at my lap "I have something for you" she handed me a box.

She opened it and I saw a new necklace. I looked at her, anger filling my being "Listen please, let me explain" she pulled out the necklace and opened the locket so I saw a picture of me and my mom, a picture I haven't seen in years.

"My dad is friends with the sheriff so we investigated your case. I know your parents died in a fire and I saw the evidence box. It wasn't a lot but I saw a burnt photo so I had it rehydrated and all I could get was this. I know it's not the same but I just...I just thought it could help fill the hole a little bit" she put it on and she said "I also stole your mothers diary" she handed me a book. "they told me not to take it but I wanted you to have it" I cried and jumped into her arms.

"There's one more thing" she pulled back and handed me a box. I opened it and it was my moms necklace but most of it was gone "I couldn't save every piece but I saved as much as I could and..." she put it on my wrist "It's a bracelet" she hugged me "Thank you baby" I whispered softly


It took me a little while to go back to the field but eventually I did. Irene told me that Kai was benched for the next couple of games and Jennie has really missed me. I was sitting on the bleachers and some of the girls on the team were comforting me. Practice had just ended and I assured them I was ok. After ten minutes Jennir was finished changing so I followed her. She wanted to take me out tonight. We stopped at her house so she could freshen up and then she treated me to dinner

I got a chicken salad while she got a steak with broccoli. "So I invited you out because I had to discuss something with you" she said as she wiped her mouth. I nodded and did the same "Today is the last day of our 30 day relationship" my eyes widened and then I calmed down. "Well we've been through a lot and if you want to stay broken up I understand" she didn't say anything. She called for the check and after she paid we went out for a stroll.

We found a small tourist spot so we sat down "The city looks beautiful at night" I said softly. She just nodded and I said "Say what's on your mind" I turned to her and she continued to look at the skyline "When I'm with you I feel safe, when you hold me I don't want to be anywhere else, when we have sex my body erupts with endless amounts of pleasure. I've never said this to anyone before...but I love you. And it hurts knowing that you could let me go so easily" she continued to look away from me

" you too" she looked at me and I said "I was scared to say it because the last time I said it the girl left me. I do love you and I'm bad at showing it but I get so embarrassed. I just want to hold you and tell you that you're mine, I want help you succeed in life and I want to kiss you and love you every second of every single day...I want kids with you, I want to sing to our baby girl about being happy and I want a future with you. I-" she kissed me

"You had me at love" I smiled softly and we kissed again "How about we take this to that five star hotel down the street" she said and I nodded.


I woke up to the sound of my phone going off. I groaned and sat up. I answered the phone and all I heard was "LISA!" I pulled the phone away. Bambam was screaming at me. I heard the shower running. "What?" I said as I yawned

"You got the scholarship to Harvard!" I sat up and quickly fixed myself "What?" I said in a serious tone "I'll send you a picture " he hung up and after a couple seconds I got a picture of a note saying I got a full academic scholarship to Harvard. I was about to cry. I got up and ran into the bathroom

"Baby!" I opened the shower door and she quickly looked at me "I got the scholarship to Harvard!" She smiled and said "I'm happy for you" I pulled her into me and said "You're happy for me, spread your legs" she pulled me into the shower "You're the happy one, trust me" she said before kissing me.

Epilogue next. Thank you for supporting this story. Love y'all loves 😘

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