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I gave Jennie another hug. "I just can't believe we graduated" We pulled back and she looked down at her graduation gown "Believe it or not I'm going to miss this place" she said and I nodded. I honestly agreed.

"Are you ready?" Jennie said as she looked at me. "Ready for what?" I asked curiously and she said "Summer vacation, I'm taking you a few places." My eyes widened.

"Baby I couldn't ask you to do that, it's so expensive-" she cut me off and said "Baby we're going to different colleges. Money doesn't matter, what matters is our love and how I'm going to get through these next few years without you next to me." She has no idea she's going to Harvard with me.

"Your father hasn't told you what college you're going to?" she shook her head and I said "Let me pay for my own plane tickets at least-" she grabbed my hand and dragged me along "We're taking the jet" sometimes I really despise these rich people.


The first place she took me to was Harry Potter world. I geeked out the entire time and so did she. We also had passionate sex every night we stayed. I appreciated the trip so much. Our first official stop was Tokyo, Japan. I've always wanted to explore Japan and it made me happy that she recognized that. We ate a lot of really nice food and I bought a kimono. Later that night I was still up and energized but she was completely exhausted. Holding her did help me go to sleep though.

I woke up in the middle of the night due to another nightmare. My baby girl was still sound asleep. I pulled her into arms and held her "Mmm.. Baby what's wrong?" she said softly and she rubbed my arm. "Nothing, sleep baby" she turned to me and held me.

"Another nightmare." I nodded and she kissed my forehead "Your parents loved you so much, they want to see you succeed in life baby and what happened wasn't your fault at all. They're watching over you always." That really helped. She started softly snoring and I closed my eyes.


Our next destinations were the Philippines, Sydney, Australia, Beijing, Morocco, almost all of Europe, Hawaii, Cuba, All Of South America and Central America, the Caribbean islands, and finally back home. I had a blast. Our relationship became much stronger along these two months. Bamban told me how much he missed me when we got home and I gave him a bunch of souvenirs. One thing I did do was pay for all our food. I felt really bad that she was paying for everything so I payed for all of the food no matter the cost.

I was actually very happy to see my bed again. There were a lot of people at Jennie's house who were happy to see us. "Damn Jennie, I wish my tans were that even" Irene said and the rest of the girls agreed. "I mean I was naked for most of the trip" she looked at me and everyone giggled. I kinda like that I'm a tiny bit more social, only a tiny bit.


I had just finished making my side of the room "Dad it took forever to get here, I don't know why you have to blindfold me, it's just college." He took the blind fold off and when she saw me she immediately started crying. I went over to her and hugged her.

"I wasn't ready to let you go, I lied, I need you, I need to see you and touch you, I need you" I rubbed her head and I said "I know baby I know" she kissed me. She pushed me onto the bed and climbed on me "Hey your dad is watching-" she continued to kiss me, not caring of his presence. "So I'll be on my way" he left.

"So what did you major in?" I asked her and she said "Mathematics" I just stared at her and she giggled.

"I'm just kidding, nursing" I held my heart and we both laughed. We unpacked together and she had a bunch of pictures of me "Baby you can just look at me" she shrugged and said "I didn't know I'd live with you" I smiled softly.

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