Chapter 5

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"Stay still" she gently placed the contact on my eyeball and said "Blink" I blinked a few times and opened my eyes. I could see everything and I didn't need my glasses. "So much sexier" she smiled

"Remember, no sleeping with them in and change your solution regularly" I nodded and followed her down to the car. "Waking up half an hour early means I really like you" she nodded and said "Is it me you like or the free breakfast you eat at my favorite cafe?" I shrugged and said "Both" she laughed.

We arrived at the cafe and we sat down. I ordered a vegetable omelet with a side of toast while she got over easy eggs with a side of avocado and whole wheat toast. She treats me to breakfast every morning. I told her she didn't have to but she insists. She has a whole breakfast allowance that she can spend on her and a few friends. We eat breakfast and talk about the things we have planned today "So I don't have a first period but I have a second and third, then I'm free for fourth. Usually I go to the mall with the girls" I nodded.

"I only have a third period and I'm in the library all day." She nodded softly and said "But I just want to ditch them and hang with you " I chuckled softly as I wiped my mouth.

"You're not supposed to ditch your friends" she took a long deep breath and she continued eating her food. Her phone went off and she said "That's the squad group chat, can I check it please" I nodded. I think it's adorable when she asks. "Shoot, we have practice this afternoon" I nodded and said "I can take the bus" she looked offended.

"Or you could be a good almost girlfriend and watch me" I just looked at her and she grabbed my hands "Why don't you like cheerleaders, what happened?" I sighed and moved my hands "My mother was a cheerleader and she died some time before 9th grade so when I got here I tried to be a cheerleader for her but I was severely bullied. I was called ugly, nerdy, poor, and a bunch of other things by those girls and I just...don't want to go back." She nodded and said "Then I won't force you to, but just know my ass looks really good in my workout shorts" I laughed and said "Very convincing and that almost girlfriend comment wasn't funny"


"I never knew this part of the library existed." I sat down and she sat on my lap "Do you mind" she grinned at me, "Not at all" we both chuckled and she moved to the chair next to me, she did however swing her legs across my lap.

"I shaved, you like?" I looked at her and said "Really, all this to show me you shaved?." She shrugged as she said "I mean I shaved somewhere else too but you'd have to see it in private" we just stared at each other and she snickered. We both started laughing then she got annoyed "Damnit" she nudged me.

"I told you that you're not going to be able to say something dirty to me with a straight face, it's impossible" she sighed and rested her head on my shoulder "What are we reading today" I gave her a copy of my book so we could read it together. It was a Harry Potter book. I didn't want her going to sleep on me. We were in the very back of the library. It's a very small pocket that not many people see because only a few students have access to this part. It's a very small lounge area with two chairs and a small table. We were also surrounded my bookcases so no one would really see us unless they moved the books.

I was in the middle of reading and she grabbed my hand. I continued reading then I heard her say "Irene" I looked at her and she quickly got up "Irene" she went to the opening to look out then she looked at me "She's gone" the bell rang and she looked frustrated "I have to go to class. Bye" I waved and pulled out my textbook to read that.


Going to class is so incredibly boring and I almost fell asleep. In the middle of class I accidentally fell asleep. I was awoken up by the teacher and it was about five minutes of class left. "Hey, how are you supposed to finish this assessment on what we learned in class if you didn't pay attention?" She put a paper on my desk. It was ten multiple choice questions "If this is too hard, I don't mind having you switched to a lower level class" I sighed.

I pulled out my pencil. I put my name and date. I quickly read the questions and answered them. "There is no way you finished in thirty seconds" I handed her the paper and the bell rang. I got my things and left. I had absolutely nothing to do because Jennie had to hang with her friends so I headed back to our spot. To my surprise I saw Irene there and she was looking around "Are you serious?" she jumped and looked at me "I can explain" I rolled my eyes.

"Irene, I told you to leave me alone. You're the one that hurt me so you have no reason to be jealous because I'm getting close to someone." She just looked so angry.

"But I was supposed to be your one and only, then you go to her-" I folded my arms and cut her off "I'm not a dog I don't go to people, you aren't my owner. I just wanted a friend, someone to talk to and Jennie was there, she was that person. You're just scared that I'll tell her about us. I won't as long as you leave me alone." She stormed out angrily. Well, better.


Lovely afternoon 😉

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