January 16, 2015

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I'm back from school. NOTHING INTERESTING HAPPENED! On the bright side, I didn't present my book report. So yeah, there's nothing to say so I'll just tell what happened at school.

Ok so first in math, we got back our tests. I got a 90%. You might think that's good but I don't. Like seriously, that's a B+. Whatever, at least it's not like an 85 or something worse.

In reading today we went over the homework and took a quiz. I know, boring.

In W.I.N.....ok I know what you're thinking, what the heck is "W.I.N." Well it stands for "What I Need". Well it's really stupid, when I first heard of it I was like, "I don't need anything, but what you need is to come up with a better name for this stupid class." It's only remediation, but the school wanted to give it some stupid name. The school always comes up with these stupid activities to make the school seem like a better place. But it's not working, in fact, it makes the school look pathetic at how hard it's trying to make us happier. Like in intermediate school they had this thing called "bear block" because in intermediate we called class periods, blocks. But like I was saying, bear block was just another elective. And in middle school, they have bear bucks. WHAT THE HECK! Like nobody even uses these, even the teachers don't hand them out. And why are they naming it after a bear? I get that our school animal is a bear, but seriously....SERIOUSLY?! All I'm trying to say is that the school is stupid. They shouldn't call it "Pleasant Valley" if it's not that pleasant, and I don't care if that's the name of the area or not, because that school is anything but pleasant. Do you know how many complaints I hear about it? A lot. Pleasant Valley.....more like Miserable Valley....hue hue hue. Well the point is, in W.I.N. we had a study hall so I was talking to my best friend.

Well in science, we were working on drawing atoms....we had homework, but I forgot to bring it......oops.

In wood shop I finished my project. It was a stool.

In lunch.....well, I ate.....

In language arts we were working on our research. I hate research. So I was just talking to my best friend the whole time.....again.

In history....I don't feel like explaining because it was boring. But I was looking outside and it was sunny, and then clouds came, and it was flurrying, and then snowing, and then the clouds got really dark and it was snowing so hard. And then it stopped. It was for 2 hours. Weird....

In band we just played our music. I play clarinet.

Yeah that's all that happened. And one last thing, I just remembered I finally convinced my dad to let me bring my iPod to school. I could've written about this during school, but I didn't feel like it. Ok, well toots for now!

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