November 4 2015

9 1 0

I just realized it's almost been a year since I started this book....I need to start thinking about whether I should continue next year or not.....please let me know! Like seriously I honestly don't even know how many people read this book and i dont know if it's successful or not so to those of you who actually read my book and have been reading since the beginning....or even if you started reading more recently....please let me know if I should continue. Because I don't do this for my own entertainment you know....ok maybe I might. But still, JUST TAKE 10 SECONDS AND TELL ME WHETHER I SHOULD CONTINUE....thank you (in advance)

Well yeah.... "that guy" was doing some weird handshake with me and it was weird because that was the first time I "held" a guys hand. I was then....I probably looked dumb. Whatever. Maybe I should go get mufasa jr to high five me some more so I can get more experience with touching guys. Did I tell you that time mufasa jr hugged me....twice....well yeah. I'm in the mood for another hug from him. He's like so manly....I always hug girls so when I hugged him it felt different....I can't wait for mufasa jr to come next year, he always treated me well.

Akamaru (my parakeet) is making really weird sounds with his beak right now....its kinda gross. Speaking of pets, one of my fish died....and unfortunately it was the one I liked. Not that I don't like the other one.....its just that he's....ugly....yeah....well whatever, now we only have one. I don't think I ever showed you a picture so I put one up. That was like 2 years ago they look a little smaller than they actually are. Btw....i actually didnt mean for that "coinidence" to happen....that was the only picture I had of him....and turned out like that....yeah.

Intro to ceramics was boring...half of the students are seniors....and one of them used to go to my daycare when I was 1st grade. I didn't like her....she was a nab (don't ask what it means) Well yeah, she probably doesn't remember me but I remember her.....that little nab.....well yeah....anyway I really didn't want to take this class but there weren't any other choices so I'm stuck with it now....yay....well yeah. Whatever.

I don't even know what to talk about anymore....well toots for now.

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