November 3 2015

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Hey guys....I think the date is wrong....well anyway, it's been a really long time since I've updated and today I really didn't feel like updating but like, I forced myself because I felt bad I haven't been updating. Well anyway, I guess things are going was the last day of the marking period so I don't have that dumb PSSA class anymore. Like seriously though....I'm like the only one who has an A in that class....thats just sad. Well yeah. Whatever. I honestly don't even know what to talk about...well anyway idk if I told you but I'm like, completely done stalking, since he's already in one of my classes, I don't need to stalk him anymore, besides I've had enough of him....he's just too weird....and ugly...his presence is starting to annoy me. Well yeah. Speaking of guys, remember Mufasa Jr.? Well yeah, we like don't even talk anymore, but I found another Mufasa Jr, and he's in my grade. I have like 2 classes with him, and he's like really nice to me, kinda like Mufasa Jr, if you remember how he's like. So yeah, and he's hilarious, honestly this is my funniest school year ever....I have never laughed so much at school in my entire life, and I laughed a lot. Yeah. But his funny is the good kind of funny, like he makes good jokes and stuff....I know this other kid, he's funny, but he is the kind of person you uses a lot a bad words in his jokes which make it funny. And they're not even jokes, he just makes fun of teachers and things and makes them look so stupid....its so funny, I feel bad for laughing, especially when the teacher he makes fun of actually likes me. Well yeah....

So anyway, winter track starts like, next Monday. Today is Tuesday so I have like, one week to get ready. At least winter track is way easier, I only go to practice twice a week, the track is only half the size of an actual track (400m) and when I do the 100m hurdles (which is actually only 50m hurdles) there are only 5 hurdles I need to jump over. And the best part....NO 300m HURDLES! Yeah....anyway idk if I told you, but I'm not doing track this year, I'm going to be the boys tennis manager. Yeah....if I thought middle school track was torture, then I'm going to die from high school track. That's why I'll just stick with tennis whether it girls or boys.

Well yeah. I think that's all....toots for now!

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