January 23, 2015

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So yeah, nothing interesting happened today. I finished my perch for Daisy. She looks so happy!....who am I kidding, she probably doesn't even care. Whatever. Well, she keeps chirping so I'm guessing thats good. She so looks cute. SO KAWAII! Tee hee!

Well in band today we played a song we played last year called "Simple Gifts" and I loved it so I asked to play it again. But since I was the only 8th grade clarinet player from last year, the other clarinet players were so slow. And They sounded bad, so I played louder so everyone can hear a professional. Thats me in case you didn't know, but seriously, I mastered this song. Well anyway, it turns out I was playing too fast and I got ahead....oops. Well it's not my fault they were so slow.

So yeah, oh and one more thing, I published a dead baby joke book, and I know dead baby jokes are sick, but some are actually pretty funny. So please check out my book, if you can handle them that is. Ok toots for now!

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