la plaga (la cruz)

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the next day, SB soldiers begun to investigate what happened yesterday.

sicario: what happened mija?

bo: bull saw a bunch of gems. because they think about what happened in ocoro and caimanes.

sicario: did your friends and your fellow brawlers have enemies.

antonio: no. my son knows knows them. did bull, colt, shelly and nita have enemies. because their homes are been robbed last week.

gabriella's mom: if someone who did it to my daughter. i'm going to kill those scums! can you please do your jobs. we need to find out who are responsible for-

bo: off colours. miss bowman contracted them to invade their homes including mine.

antonio: you see. my friendknows them. bo you tell miss flores and jefe about their home invasion.

bo: yes dad.

after investigating, she run to barvechos to tell a smuggling leader about their tragedy last week. in outside of la plaga's mansion, he parked his vehicle to begin their mission. 

sicario: *opens a back of his car and spotted a sniper named paintball mike* it's another off colour! EVERYONE!!!! THE ANOTHER ONE COMING!!!! SOMEBODY- *bleeds to death*

mrs. maheswaran: paintball mike. your target is the plague. you need to keep on low profile.

paintball mike: roger that.

mr. maheswaran: honey i want to come with.

mrs. maheswaran: no doug. stay with sparkle cadet. meet me in ocoro.

after their insertion, she enters his house by picking doors and search la plaga while under cover by paintball mike. he kills all of guard with his sniper rifle while she finds him until she reaches the basement. they clear the entire mansion.

la plaga: do you think i'm a weakest man in bolivia. you cannot win!

after his speech. he waits for his enemy to come,

paintball mike: what's wrong priyanka?

mrs. maheswaran: it's la plaga.

paintball mike: la plaga. a man that who contracted him to cause a conflict between unidad and off colour.

mrs. maheswaran: you're right. 

and then, he's going to it's crosshairs to provide cover while she's confronting la plaga. in the underground, she was looking for him. after that, she's finally found him.

la plaga: long time no see doc.

mrs. maheswaran: you! you begun the attack on our territory!

la plaga: why? because your unpleasant daughter caused trouble in bolivia? your daughter didn't followed my order. 

mrs. maheswaran: you played my daughter jefe! you played her.

la plaga: no! she didn't. connie promised to serve me and conquer that pinche morritos beach city bullshit!

mrs. maheswaran: CONNIE DON'T INTEND TO DO THAT! you used her to kill her own friends!

paintball mike: priyanka what are you?

mrs maheswaran: HOLD YOUR FIRE MIKE!!!! HOLD YOUR FIRE!!!!!

la plaga: hmmm. first, you have steven. you have your daughter and you have.

mrs. maheswaran: i have what? chloe.

la plaga: you're over doc. we'll end this. *rides a motorcycle and drive it outside of outpost*

mrs maheswaran: FUCK!!!!!!

paintball mike: my god doctor maheswaran! don't let him get away!

mrs maheswaran: roger that. *rides a motorcycle and drives it to outside of outpost*

in the outpost, he provided a sniper position to eliminate him. he watch them racing to the end of the tunnel. when the racing is finished, he gone off and sword fighting with her. but luckily, he shot la plaga with his intervention rifle. then she used her counter attack to finish him off.

mrs. maheswaran: *stabs him with her rapier* you'll bleed. for ramon feliz.

la plaga: *bleeding* but i.

mrs maheswaran: you'll bleed. for creek kids. and for the brawlers. 

la plaga: i'm sorry.

mrs. maheswaran: farewell chaos bringer, *releases her rapier*

and then they leave the outpost and proceed to libertad for their next field of operations.

in pucara alpha

later, she tells her about information in libertad.

eliza: do you hear that jane. i don't have time talking to you.

jane: but my dearest eliza. i understand but how the cartel exist. you tell me about libertad.

eliza: maybe you tell barley about what happened in caimanes and ocoro.

suddenly, they came inside to give her result.

bismuth: we failed.

jane: may excuse us for a moment. *talks to him* what!!

pearl: the brawlers. they interfered with us.

jane *grab her spas-12 camo* 

eliza: jane where are you going?

jane: to libertad. i'm going to kill these brawler scums.

eliza: wait.

jane: not you.

after that, she left eliza to pearl and bismuth to continue. what happened to steven in ocoro if we understand how inevitable is la gringa?

to be continued

all rights reversed belongs to their rightful owners

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