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?! ?!









okay wtf

youre a creep

stranger danger

wait no- youre not a stranger

stalker danger


I am not a stalker smh

We just happen to both live in Belleville,

New Jersey, without realizing it



i mean




Yeah uh cool


so what are you going to do

gerardway is typing...



dont even think about sending that message

come up to me and say hi


gerard looks up from his screen, his eyes fall upon a boy wearing denim overalls and a rose pink sweater underneath. to complete the look, he's clipped on two hairpins which swept his wavy raven hair behind his ears. he'd be lying if he said frank didn't look lovely.

he glances down at his own clothes. with leather on leather, black on black with ripped jeans and scruffed up hair. he's the complete opposite of who frank is supposed to be. he's the sunshine who brightens up everyone's day while he's the moon who lights up the lonely night.

gerard runs a hand through his tangled jet black locks, hesitantly making his way up to where frank is seated. he takes a seat in front of him, his hazel eyes dart the tiled floor and they don't exchange any words.

the boy switches glances between his phone and the punk, he places his phone facing flat on the countertop as he leans forward.

"uh - can i help you?", he asks. gerard's eyes widen as his head jerks up, he quickly stands up and hides his embarrassed cherry red face.

"n-no, sorry.", he stammers out, shoving his hands into his pockets. "i thought you were someone i knew, but i was wrong. i-i'll go now. sorry for disturbing you."

the raven stares at him, eyeing gerard carefully. the punk awkwardly shifts in place but the pastel boy's face softens and he smiles widely, letting out a small laugh.

"you should've seen the look on your face.", he says, caught between laughter. "the way your face went red, how you reacted.. i should've caught that on camera."

gerard's eyes narrow in confusion, then he realizes. he crosses his arms and huffs. "i hate you frank.", he mumbles, storming back to the same table as he sinks in the chair. "seriously, fuck you."

the raven playfully rolls his eyes back, beaming another smile. "you don't mean that gee', you love me.", frank hums.

gerard looks to him. "you're right, i can't hate someone as pretty as you.", he sighs in defeat. "nice hairclips by the way. you should wear them more, they suit you."

"o-oh. thanks.", the raven says, his eyes avoid gerard's as he lays his hands on the table. gerard notes that his nails are a baby pink today. "you think so?"

"well, yeah. it's cute, you're cute.", gerard answers, his attention fixed on the glossy tabletop. he glances up. "everything you wear looks good. you're fucking adorable."

"th-thanks again." frank stammers out. he feels his cheeks heat up, cursing himself for blushing so easily.

"you seriously can't take a compliment, huh frankie?", the pastel boy looks up, his cheeks turning an even darker tint of red as a smug grin appears on the other's face.

"it's not that!", frank snaps with rosy-red cheeks, his anger is only amusing gerard. "i'm just not used to it, being called cute and stuff."

"but i do it all the time, you basically can't take a compliment in real life.", gerard repeats once again, more slowly this time. "it's easy, you just confidently say thanks and compliment the other person."

the raven rolls his eyes. "oh my god."

"it's easy. let's practice accepting compliments, i'll start.", gerard says. "you're cute, frankie."


"you're cute."

"shut up."

"you're cute.", he says again with more pride, beaming another smile.

frank narrows his eyebrows. "now you're just teasing me. this is just an excuse to see how i would react in person.", he exclaims hotly, he glances at gerard and with that damned grin, he knows he's correct. "shut up before i leave."

"but you wouldn't do that."

frank sighs, picking at the hem of his sweater. "no.", he says. "no i wouldn't."

"that's cause i'm irresistible, i get it.", the punk leans forward in his seat, cupping his cheek in his hand. "anyways, you're adorable. i like seeing you blush, it's like a once in a lifetime opportunity."

the raven groans. there it is again, 'cute' and 'adorable'. he won't quit making him flustered until he compliments him back. "you're talking as if we're never going to see each other again.", frank points out, ignoring the first half as he frowns.

gerard shrugs. "i mean, we have school and yeah, that shit sucks. who knows when we'll find the time to meet up again?"

"weekends like today exist.", frank reminds him. "now, let's stop wasting our time and enjoy this."

the punk cocks a smile. "i'd like that.", he replies, turning to quickly read the chalkboard menu hanging on the wall as he faces frank again. "what would you like, frankie?"

"surprise me gee'.", he answers as his eyes fall onto his phone. he actually doesn't know what to get, he's terrible at making decisions.

"you know what? no one's ever called me gee', asides from mikey.", gerard states.

frank looks up. hazel eyes meet another pair of hazel.

"if it makes you feel any better, no one's ever called me frankie before."

gerard smiles, gazing into his eyes. "then that can be our special thing."

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