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“do you think i did it?”

mikey raises his head, setting his glasses aside before furrowing his eyes. “did what?”

“ah - well, you know..”, frank tries to find the words but his head fails him once again, he moves his hands, trying to express the feelings he wants to convey as mikey eyes his movements. he lowers his hands in defeat, letting them fall in his lap as he lets out a defeated sigh. “do you.. do you think i healed gerard..?”

mikey stays still, taking the time to think. "i.. i think the answer is obvious.", he starts slowly. "do you think he would've made it this far if it weren't for you? gee told you himself that you saved him, you helped them out of that hole he was stuck in. they said they love you a countless number of times, he expressed it verbally and physically, and if that isn't beautiful then i don't know what is."

frank keeps his head low, twiddling his thumbs as he processes his words carefully. mikey rests a hand on his shoulder, startling the other as he looks up.

"you did it, frank. you healed him."

a small smile grows on his face, his thoughts jump from one place to another and his smile grows wider.

"i'm.. i'm glad."

the silence between them grows once more, none of them exchange words and all they do is listen to the quiet rustles of the wind and the way the leaves brush against the window.

something about the silence is comforting. maybe it's how frank feels relieved after talking about the way he felt or if he finally got the hug he's been longing. frank doesn't know. he's just glad the weight from his shoulders has been lifted.

he wonders what's on mikey's mind. he can't help but think about what he might've done all alone in this house gerard and him used to share. frank sighs, it must've been extremely hard on mikey.

frank decides he should try and cheer him up one last time.


mikey looks up to meet his gaze. "yeah?"

"can i.. can i show you something?", frank asks. "it'll be quick, i promise."

"y-yeah. sure."

he gets out of his seat, moving towards the back of the house as mikey follows behind him shortly.

"where are we going?", he asks.

frank beams a smile in response. "you'll see."

he unlocks the glass door, sliding it open as he and mikey step outside to the backyard. mikey closes the door behind him, walking up and standing next to where frank plotted himself. they look up in sync, staring at the starry sky.

"when did it get this dark?"

frank shrugs. "beats me.", he says. "i mean, we've been inside all day. i guess we just lost track of time."

"yeah, i guess.. so, what did you want to show me?"

"the stars.", frank answers, continuing to keep his head high. "gerard told me he would look at the stars when he was too far from me and now, we really are far from each other. i just thought it'd be nice to tell you and we could, you know, watch the stars together."

mikey shakes his head, smiling at the ground. "star gazing, huh?", frank confirms it with a nod. "i'm not the biggest fan of-"

"oh shut up, c'mon mikey."

frank takes a seat on the grass, patting the spot next to him with a smile, gesturing the other to sit with him. mikey sighs, sinking into his knees as they watch the stars dance.

"they.. they look lovely tonight."

the other furrows his brows, squinting his eyes before turning to face frank. "the stars?"

frank meets his gaze. "yeah, the stars..?"

"i can't see much.", mikey admits, pulling down the sleeve of his red and black hoodie. "i left my glasses inside."

frank scoffs, smirking slightly as his eyes land on the midnight sky. "that's not my problem."

crickets chirp in the background, taking over the silence as the cool night breeze runs through strands of their hair.

frank's attention shifts from the stars to the dim lit moon. he wonders if gerard is doing alright, hoping he isn't too lonely wherever he is. frank is convinced he has company, if he doesn't, then maybe he's watching over him and mikey in this moment.

would he be proud of them? would he be upset at them for mourning his death for so long? frank wouldn't know, he's not gerard and nor is he dead. does he miss them as much as they miss him?

it makes him wonder if there really is an afterlife. if there is one, he likes to believe gerard is waiting for him at the gates with open arms.

mikey is the first to stand up, dusting his clothes. "i'm going back inside, i'll prepare us something to eat.", he says softly. "you coming?"

"i think.. i think i'll stay out here for a bit.", frank hums, tugging out a blade of grass from the ground. "staying under the stars makes me feel.. calm."

"cool.", mikey shoves his hands into his jean pockets. "don't stay outside for too long."

"wait, mikey - uh - do you want to know another thing gerard said to me during that call?"

there's a slight pause of hesitation. "what did he say?"

"they said they love you, and that he wants you to stay safe."

"thank you.", mikey turns back, beaming a little smile. "i know he does."

frank listens as mikey's footsteps fade in the distance, lifting his head to face the stars once again. stars always reminded gerard of frank, now they have the opposite effect.

“you brought me so much love, gerard, and i’m grateful for that.”, frank quietly whispers to the air, hoping the wind would carry his words and reach the stars. "you're an angel, literally."

he fidgets with one out of two pink hair clips and grasps it tightly, waiting for it to glow and do something magical, but nothing happens.

he shakes his head, letting out a content sigh as he sweeps back one side of his tangled locks, sliding and clipping the hairpin on as he gets onto his feet.

"words can't describe how grateful i am for you, gerard. i love you so much, and i'll never forget you."

frank iero steps away from the patch of grass, smiling as the rush of all the memories he made with gerard flashes before his eyes. he finds it funny how they went from internet friends to lovers, just like a silly cliche.
he captures one last glimpse of the stars, noticing how one star shimmers bright like a diamond. it stands out compared to the rest of them, the star glimmers and blinks before blending in with the rest of the midnight sky.

frank smiles, perhaps his words reached gerard after all.

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