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bro_mccraken is now following you!

frank furrows his eyes.

he doesn't normally question who follows him, after all, he's a public instagram account and assumes people follow him because of the whole "pastel cutesy" aesthetic his feed has.

the thing is that this account stands out. he thinks it's because of their profile picture, it's eerie, gives him the shivers but it's cool. the 'oh god, i hate everything about this" kind of cool. not to mention, this person commented on gerard's recent.

frank knows most of gerard's friends. he knows ray, he's a metalhead, and he's someone cool and reliable. there's mikey, gerard's younger brother, frank thought he hated his guts at first but mikey's a pretty interesting person. he just seems awkward at first glance but once you're close with him and talking about a topic he's into, he's the happiest person alive.

then there's pete, frank knows him solely because they went to school with him and now, he writes poems on tumblr and has a huge following from there. there's also this girl named linsey, but all he knows is that she and gerard are good friends who had a thing for each other in elementary school.

he clicks the profile, strumming his fingers against his bedsheets as bro_mccraken's page loads.

frank bites his lower lip. it's a private account.

but it's not just your ordinary private account, no way, it's a private account that gerard is following.

his gerard.

he shakes his head, blinking a couple of times as he pulls away from his screen.

wow. he just called gerard his.

it's strange, he's his boyfriend now and frank can go around saying shit like "oh yeah, i have a boyfriend. they're a dork. his name is gerard, they're the best. we met over instagram and it was like love at first sight. insane, right?"

yeah, insane indeed.





Gee with 16 extra e's doesn't look like a nickname


it's me whining and trying to get your attention


Well I'm here now


great, cuz ive got a question


And I might have an answer

Ask away


who is @bro_mccraken


How do you know who he is?


he followed me??

and he commented on your recent


Ohh okay

You know you can click on his profile, right?



but hes on priv

and my follow request is still pending

all his bio says is that he's bert mccracken and

he goes by he/him pronouns

not helpful at all


Then DM him???


what. no.

im asking you cuz you, mikey, and ray follow him !!!



This topic was going to come up one day

He's my ex lol



oh okay


We're on good terms, don't worry about it


what happened between you guys?

you dont have to talk about it if you dont want to


I guess you could say things didn't work out?

Like we only dated for fun, wedidn't take our relationship seriously lol

We went on dates, kissed and all that stuff but

I guess we weren't ready for the real thing

But we're still good friends to this day and I'm glad

Not all exes are on bad terms, I'm glad Bert and I 

don't hate each other's guts or something lol


yeah, i guess thats a relief

but youre ready now, right?


Do you think I would've asked you to be my boyfriend if I wasn't


ah, good point


You're an idiot


bUt iM yOuR idIoT


Damn right you are

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