Chapter 3 - Ms. Mystery

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-Trey POV-

I couldn't believe what I was hearing, "Is it possible to change my seat...?"

I'm awesome, any girl would be lucky to sit next to me. What makes her so special?

"I'm sorry Ms. King, but where you sat today is the permanent arrangement."

Ha! Now I can teach her!

"One day and you're already tired of me?" I asked with a smile on my face.

I had to keep in the laughter when she jumped slightly, clearly having been unaware of my presence.

All she did was look down, so I spoke, "you don't like me after only a day?"

"For your info, no I don't like you, and you didn't seem too terribly fond of me either until right now."

I stood there looking stunned at her remark, as she walked out of the room.

It wasn't until second bell that I snapped out of it and headed for my second class of the day.


I woke up at the end of my 4th period class and then went to lunch.

There sat Ms. Mystery, all alone at a table on her phone. Time to do something.

What? I have no idea.

"Hey, Ms. Mystery. Whatcha doin'?"

"Go away," she says, her voice cracking.

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing, I'm fine," she says sniffling.

And with that I got up, and left her empty table and headed back to my own.

"Hey dude, what was that all about?" my friend Garrett asks.

"Nothin'. Just showing the new girl her new dream," I lied. No way was I gonna let my friends know I was being nice to her! They'd freak, and not in a good way.

All he did I response was chuckle.

After lunch I went to study hall. Well more like I walked to the room. After not even going in, I passed it and went into the bathroom.

I just didn't feel like fooling with study hall today.

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