Chapter 9 - 5:30

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-Lexie POV-

I wake up the next day and open Instagram. I have 8 new follow requests, 7 messages, and I only know 4 of the requests.

I quickly accept the requests from ta_boy, paypay_love63478, dd_cancelled, and angel_baby✨.

I leave the other requests alone, I may want to look at them later. I scroll through my messages and 3 are from ta_boy. One is from paypay_love63478. After reading the four that I just mentioned I immediately start getting ready for school.

I decided to go with a cool look, matching my outfit with a smoky eye, and hair to fit the theme.

I brush my teeth, add some clear lipgloss and grab my bag before going down the stairs and into the kitchen.

I quickly snag a piece of bacon, and holler to my mom that I was leaving for school. Last time I left without saying anything, I scared her to death.

At school, I met up with Paylen. That's right. After bumping into her, she messaged me and wanted to hang out sometime. I honestly couldn't believe it!

Turns out we have all but 3 classes together, so we went to our morning classes and then she left right before lunch for some kind of doctor's appointment.

During lunch I sat at my usual table. Alone and happy. That is until jerk of the year decided to crash my peace.

"Hey Prin- I mean Lexie. Whatcha doin' later today?"

"Studying. Ya know what nerds do." I rolled my eyes.

I can't help it, he's just so annoying. He's sweet sometimes and other times he's just so rude! It's confusing!

"Oh, ok. Well, would you mind helping me with Spanish? I know you're good and like it, so I figured you'd be a good person to help me."

"Sure Trey. 5:30, don't be late," I say walking away. I will not be waiting on him. If he thinks I will then he's crazy.


5:30 pm

I had just finished the cookies when I hear a knock on my door. I open it, then completely shocked, step aside.

At my door stands not only Trey Anderson, but also 4 of his friends aka his crew.

"What happened to Spanish?" I'm kinda confused and kinda mad at the same time.

"Oh yeah, well, change of plans. We're going somewhere instead. You have 7 minutes. Dress casual and meet us in the car."

🤣 Three words:

He. Is. Dead.

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