Chapter 2 - Just Got Interesting

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-Lexie POV-

I can't believe that it is my first day already! It seems like just yesterday that I was told we were moving to Arizona.

Sorry, I guess I should introduce myself! Hi, my name is Lexie. Lexie King.

I come from England, but we had to move to the United States for my parents' work, so here we are in Arizona! I'm 18, and will be a senior this year, so I am kinda nervous.

Anyway, now that you have a little info, let's get back to the present. I wake up, let my hair out of 2 braids, brush my teeth and get dressed.

After 10 minutes of rummaging through my closet, I finally find the perfect outfit: a tight black tank top, white skinny jeans, black combat boots, and a cute white denim jacket to top it off.

After putting in silver hoops, I walk downstairs, grab my bag, tell my parents I'm leaving, and head to school.

I walk up to the school, a tall building, maybe 3 - 4 stories high, and immediately meet the cold eyes of a gorgeous boy.

He looks me up and down, and then says something to his friends making them stare at me as well. I uncomfortably walk into the school, still feeling their eyes on me, and go to the office.

"Yes, may I help you?" A woman in her late 30s asks me.

"Um, I just need my schedule and books and things," I reply stuttering slightly.

"Lexie? Lexie King?"

"Yes ma'am, that's me."

"Alrighty then, here is your schedule, books, and a map of the school to help you find your way around."

"Thank you very much."

"You're welcome, dearie."

I quickly look over my schedule. It's too early in the morning to have Algebra 2!!

I quickly look over my map. It it right down the hall from the office, so that worked out perfectly.

When I enter the class I see a world of stares directed towards me.

"Ms. King?"

"Yes?" I answer, not sure how to reply.

"Please select one of the empty seats."

There were 3 empty seats, only one of which was actually by someone, so I chose one of the 2 that didn't have anyone at them.

About 10 minutes into the lesson  a guy with brown hair and brown eyes entered the class.

This was not anybody of course, but the one and only boy from this morning.

"Mr. Anderson please take your seat," the teacher said in an annoyed manner. I'm guessing that happens a lot.

It's only then that his eyes meet mine. There was a flicker of something, but it was gone before I could decipher it.

I looked down at my Algebra 2 book and suddenly felt shuffling next to me.

"You have got to be kidding me," I wispered softly to myself.

"Nope," he said softly, amused maybe?

We didn't speak for the rest of the period. At the end of the period I waited around till everyone had left.

"Is it possible to change my seat, Mrs. Foster?"

"I'm sorry Ms. King, but where you sat today is the permanent arrangement."

Well this really just got interesting.


**So, what do ya think will happen now? How do you think Lexie and Trey will respond to each other?
Love ya and you're wonderful**

§ AlexAngel05 §

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