Chapter One

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I wonder why I tear myself down to be built back up again.

Soulmates, they are odd. You meet them and fall in love. Everyone has soul mates, or at least that's what they tell me. I don't believe in them. Even though all my friends found theirs. I think they are all fake. I mean come on, all my friends have them and I don't. I only have bruises.

See, from all the classes we've taken in school we've learned that soulmate marks come in different forms. Soulmate marks are how you know who your soulmate is. They come however they want. Whether it flat out tells you who it is or you can hear their voice or music they are listening to, it doesn't matter.

One of my friends has a tattoo that is in the shape of a snake coming out of a bat. Yeah, she found hers pretty quick. My other friend has a birthmark that he was born with! He was born with his mark! Like what the actual! Hannah, my sister, took longer to find hers. She had the most common one out there; what their first words to her were. 'Your fly is open.'. See that being what your soulmate says first thing is going to be remembered.

I, on the other hand, have bruises. Bruises. Whenever my soulmate gets bruises, I do. We, my parents and I, went to the doctor when I first started getting them. Turns out I have the rarest type of mark. It's something to do with our genes or something. I have no clue, I was 16 when I started getting them and did not listen much. Whatever it is, it's annoying.

I came to the conclusion that my soulmate was abused or just exctremely stupid. Whoever the hell he is, he gets bruised every other day. So each day I count a new bruise, no one in my school had the same condition. I cover most of them up with makeup and clothes whenever I'm in public. When I'm at my house I'll walk around in misery with them painted on my skin.

Today is no different. I woke up sore from last night at the gym. I box. One of the only female boxers in the city. I live in New York. You would think more people would box but I guess not.

"Ow. Nope. I'm done," I said walking downstairs to see my roommate, Faith, with her boyfriend/soulmate, Zach on the couch.

"Why do you box again?" Zach asked.

He's like a brother to me sometimes or he's really good friends. We look out for each other. His brown hair was messed up probably from sleeping.

"Because if I'm going to get bruises then they are going to be mine and not some idiots," I said. I walked to the freezer to grab all twenty ice packs. I juggled them to the other couch. I laid down and put them on my skin.

I've grown numb to my pain. I'm just sore. Ice doesn't hurt anymore, like it does normal people. My skin will heal faster than most. The cold helps with all of this. It makes the pain go away. Faith and Hannah call me part ice giant.

"I don't understand how you do that," Faith said, shaking her head.

"Maybe, she's a super soldier and excasped HYDRA," Tyler said coming out of his room.

If you don't already know, HYDRA is evil and Avengers are good. Easiest way to explain it. There is the Red Room but not everyone knows about them. The Avengers live in Stark tower that is 11 blocks away. They are the world's mightiest heroes.

I grabbed an ice pack and threw it at Tyler. He caught it easily, but dropped it.

"She has the mood of one," he muttered, making me get up. I jumped over the couch and tackled him to the ground. "How do you do this?" he asked.

"Do what?" I asked.

"You have bruises and scratches up your body yet you still tackle me to the ground like it's nothing."

Coffee Man ~Clint Barton Soulmate~ (Avenger AU)Where stories live. Discover now