The attack(1/10)

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You are pascal, a noble living in the kingdom of Larion. You have a pouch of gold and a small dagger. You are awakened by one of your servants who tells you that your keep is under attack. You look out the window and see a large group of men fighting their way into your courtyard. You quickly dress and leave your living quarters with your servant to meet the attack head on in the hopes that you will be able to stop them.

 > You say "Prepare the catapult!"You quickly hurry down the stairs and take cover behind the table. You are pleased to see that your servants have been successful in defending the keep. Your servant, armed only with a sword stands between you and certain death. 

 > You say "Servant what is your name?"  "My name is Ignate."   "Well Ignate, what shall we do?"You stand by the entrance to the war room, protected by your servant and the catapult. 

 > You say "Fire!"You give the order and you watch as an arrow flies through the air and into a charging goblin. You watch as the goblin slowly falls to the ground, not moving. 

 > You grab the goblin's sword .You grab the sword from the goblin and stand, ready to charge the enemy.FIGHT! 

 > You say "Ignate watch my back"You turn to your servant and order him to protect you. Ignate nods and faces the goblins. You charge forward, swinging your blade and yelling.

 > You say "Ignate are you doing fine?"Ignate stands calmly, awaiting your orders.You swing your sword at the goblins. Four of them attempt to block your attack, but you easily overpower them. You yell once more and your servant charges forward. 

 > You say "How many are they left?"You look behind you and see two goblins standing there, thinking for a second, you decide to throw your dagger at one of them. 

 > You say "Ignate charge them!"Ignate complies and you charge at the goblins. As you run forward you pull out your dagger and throw it at the closest goblin. The knife embeds itself into his head, killing him instantly. 

 > You ignate is there more?"Ignate is there more?"You turn to your servant and order him to fight. Ignate nods and faces the goblins. You charge forward, swinging your sword."Ignate are you doing fine?"He calmly nods."Ignate are you there?"    "Yeah I'm fine." He answers."Are you alright?"     "Yeah, I just bit my tongue."You sigh, as you continue to fight."Which makes me think, what do you think about the new goblin leader?"   "How should I know? I don't speak goblin."you kill all the goblins in your way and enter the war room. You find a single goblin standing there, boldly blocking your way out."What's your name?" You ask."My name is Grubuck." He answers. 

> You say "Do you want to live?"Grubuck surprisingly pauses for a second before replying."Yeah. I want to live." 

 > You say "then get out of my way"Grubuck complies, but not without a bit of struggle. You walk out of the war room, ready to meet the new goblin leader."You sure you're alright?"   "Yeah, I walked here."You are lead into the war room, which consists of several dozen goblins. They are all armed with knives, short swords, bolt pistols and the standard goblin short bow. The one notable thing is that they all have blood on them, it seems as if they've been fighting quite violently. 

 > You say "ignate still with me?"    "Yeah."  "Is this the entirety of your tribe?"   "Yip, this is the entire tribe."You are lead before the goblin chief, who stands above the rest. 

 > You say "What is your name ?"    "Gargar." He responds"Gargar, what is the meaning of this ?"        "Heh, we have been fighting for years. 

 > You say "Gargar i want to duel you! If i win you leave and if you win you can have my castle"Gargar smiles."Sure, why not? I haven't fought a real person in years."You both draw your weapons and get into fighting position."When you're ready. 

 > You make a suprise attack to his legs.You lunge forward and stab your blade right into one of his legs, breaking through his armor and flesh.Gargar howls in pain, but manages to keep his footing. 

 > You punch gargar wound.You punch Gargar in the face, you hit him so hard his head snaps back and his teeth fall out."I don't need your permission gargar." You say.You keep fighting.

 > You give your sword to ignate and start to punch gargar.You start punching Gargar, but he blocks your punches with his sword."I think i need to stop you from fighting, so the real fight can begin."

 > You punch gargar eyes.You throw a punch at Gargar but he dodges. You punch straight for his eyes but he rolls out of the way and punches straight back."Stop fighting for a second."

 > You say "Why?"  "Why?" Gargar repeats, baffled. "Why do we fight? Because it's what we do. It's in our nature. We're born to fight, and some day, we'll die to fight." 

 > You say "You will die today!""No, we probably won't."The goblin chief stands, and draws his sword."We're just bigger, faster and stronger than the other species."

 > You punch gargar until he's stunned.You punch Gargar, you continue to do so until he's hardly able to defend himself, then you knee him in the stomach.

 > You say "Do you give up?"  "I don't give up."Gargar swings his sword at you, you easily dodge this and punch him with so much force that his sword flies from his hand. 

 > You kick him in the face.You kick Gargar in the face. He falls backwards, and you jackknife your elbow into his throat. You hear a sickening 'pop' as his trachea is crushed and he begins to wheeze.Gargar dies and all the goblins flee. You look around and, after catching your breath, realize that the rest of the mountain troops have fled as well.You victoriously leap over a nearby goblin corpse.

> You say "Ignate are you okay?"Ignate nods slowly, then begins to go over the dead goblins, searching them for anything that could be useful."I guess the mountain orcs are just as bad at fighting as the goblins." Ignate says. 

 > You say "We need to go back to my keep"You quickly get back on your horses and ride back towards your arrive at your keep and dismount. Ignate looks at the ground for a second, before looking up at the keep."This..." He of your servant run to you and carry you to the healing room. You quickly undress and hop in the warm water, scrubbing yourself clean."Master!" A familiar voice cries.

(end of chapter one if you saw any mistake or recommendation please let me know in the comment)

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